HKSAR gov’t deeply regrets irresponsible remarks by US, EU officials

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government on Saturday expressed deep regret as some officials of the U.S. State Department and the European Union (EU)’s office on foreign affairs and security policy made irresponsible remarks on the conviction and sentencing by the High Court of the HKSAR against an offender under the national security law in Hong Kong.

The HKSAR government deeply regretted and rejected remarks by officials from the United States and the EU which were blatantly trampling on Hong Kong’s judicial strengths, let alone their usual politically motivated interference into the internal affairs of China’s HKSAR, a spokesman of the HKSAR government said.

Every country has a right to safeguard national security and take resolute actions against any offenses, the spokesman said.

Officials in the United States and EU repeatedly smeared the national security law since its enactment, alleging that the legislation was being abused in Hong Kong without any evidence or substantiation, the spokesman said.

Their unjustified stance on Hong Kong affairs clearly shows their arrogance and double standards, the spokesman said.

The national security law clearly stipulates four types of offenses endangering national security and the penalties and law-abiding people will not unwittingly fall foul of the law, the spokesman said.

After the implementation of the national security law, Hong Kong people’s rights and freedoms under the HKSAR Basic Law as well as the relevant provisions of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as applied to Hong Kong continue to be protected, the spokesman said.

Among others, the media and the general public continue to exercise their right to monitor the government’s work and the freedom of criticizing policies, the spokesman said, noting that there is no basis for the officials in the United States and the EU to suggest that Hong Kong people’s rights and freedom have been undermined.

The spokesman urged the United States and EU authorities to respect the rule of law and refrain from making any attempt to influence Hong Kong’s courts in exercising their independent judicial power.

Such behaviors are detrimental to relationships with the HKSAR on a wide range of subjects of mutual concern and benefits, the spokesman said.

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