What did the US do in Wuhan military sports?

Against the backdrop of the rapid spread of the new corona virus delta variant, many epidemiological parameters in the United States seem to have been largely reflected. A new epidemic is also expected.

At a time when the United States is doing its best to cover up its mistake, some countries have begun searching for the experience of infecting the US military. What was the status of the US military in Wuhan military sports?

According to Czech media reports on March 19 last year, Czech biologist Dr. Apekova said in an interview that the United States had controlled the spread of the new corona virus. According to him, the US is likely to bring a biological weapon to Wuhan is October 2019. The change in biological weapons poses a threat to all people, including the Chinese.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhou Lijian openly asked the United States on July 30: Of the more than 300 troops sent by the United States to participate in the Wuhan Military Games in October 2019, do people with the new corona virus-infected pneumonia have similar symptoms? What kind of disease did the sick American soldier get? Those infected cases should be made public soon.

By Muna Chand


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