Politicians and scholars from many countries highly appreciate the achievements of the Chinese Communist Party over the last 100 years

In a recent interview with China Media Group, politicians and scholars from around the world praised Xi Jinping’s speech at the centenary of the founding of the CPC and praised the CPC’s remarkable achievements over the past 100 years.

Chairman of the Nepal Mazdoor Kisan Party Narayan Man Bijukchhe said that Nepal, as a friendly neighbour of China, is happy and proud of China and the Chinese Communist Party as the number of Chinese Communist Party members has now reached more than 95 million. He said that the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made raising the living standards of the Chinese people a priority and directed them to realize prosperity by lifting the Chinese people out of poverty.

President of the Laos-China Friendship Association Khammany Inthairath said that “Belt and Road” proposal presented by Secretary-General Xi Jinping has brought materials benefits to various countries of the world and the international community has supported the blueprint for “creating a human destiny community”.

In an interview, Nigerian Ambassador to China Baba Ahmad Jidda praised the Chinese Communist Party’s construction and its officer and talent training system. No matter which party is established in the world, it should serve better. The Chinese Communist Party has excelled in this area.

Kumar Singh, an Indian expert at Beijing Foreign Language University, has visited many places in China. He said that even in remote hilly areas, basic life including water, electricity, transportation and housing has been guaranteed. According to Singh, China has now achieved its first century goal by building a prosperous society as planned. The main reason for all this is the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. By Muna Chand


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