HK holds flag-raising ceremony with Chinese-style marching steps to celebrate CPC centennial

HK holds flag-raising ceremony with Chinese-style marching steps to celebrate CPC centennial

Hong Kong on Thursday morning held a flag-raising ceremony along with Chinese-style marching steps, instead of the British-style used previously, to mark the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of the city’s return to the motherland.

The ceremony was held at Golden Bauhinia Square at 8 am. Hong Kong-based Sing Tao Daily said that it is the first time that Hong Kong raised national and regional flags with Chinese-style marching steps instead of British style.

Officials onsite sang the national anthem.

Two helicopters hanging the national flag and the Hong Kong regional flag flew over Victoria Harbour. The fire-fighting boat and the police boat performed water salutes on the sea.

Hong Kong Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu said at a wine party after the flag-raising ceremony that the “One Country, Two Systems” is the best system for Hong Kong to maintain prosperity and stability.

There have been some anti-China individuals making use of loopholes in the regional election system to damage the relationship between Hong Kong and the central government, Lee pointed out.

But after all the challenges, the current Hong Kong government is more confident than any time in the last four years in managing the city, he said, noting that Hong Kong has resumed social and political stability and is capable in marching forward.

Lee is serving as acting Chief Executive as Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam with other representatives from the city are currently in Beijing attending the celebration activities for the CPC’s centenary.

Lam is among those on the Tiananmen Rostrum as Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, makes an address at the ceremony marking the CPC centenary on Thursday morning.

Hong Kong government on Thursday released the list of 746 awardees, including seven recipients of the Grand Bauhinia Medals and 18 Gold Bauhinia Star Medals.

Among the Grand Bauhinia Medal recipients were Chief Justice Andrew Cheung Kui-nung and Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah.

500 others have also been awarded for their contribution during the anti-epidemic battle.


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