Chinese company sends satellite named after CPC birthplace into orbit

A Chinese company said on Sunday that it has sent a satellite named after Jiaxing, East China’s Zhejiang Province – the birthplace of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and plans to launch more named after key cities in the CPC’s history, to pay tribute to the party’s centennial.

The CPC will mark the 100th anniversary of its founding on July first. Jiaxing was the venue for the first congress of the CPC in 1921.

The satellite was launched by Chinese commercial satellite company Beijing Guodian Gaoke Technology Co from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. It’s also one of a series of small Chinese experimental low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites operated by the firm.

The satellite will actively serve in the sectors of smart cities, helping stranded tourists, transportation and power, and environmental protection, a staffer at the company told the Global Times on Sunday.

At a ceremony held in Jiaxing on Thursday, two other satellites were named after Ruijin in East China’s Jiangxi Province and Yan’an in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, two other Chinese cities that played significant roles in the CPC’s history.

Following the launches, the company plans to work with the three cities to promote the industrial upgrading of the LEO Satellite Constellation for the Internet of Things, aerospace talent training and red tourism.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, there will be more than 100 classic “red tourism” routes launched to celebrate the centenary anniversary of the CPC, including 20 routes highlighting China’s achievements in science and technology.



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