China’s poverty alleviation photo gallery opens online

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Consulate-General of China in Johannesburg, South Africa holds an online gallery on poverty alleviation with the theme of “Creating Better Lives, Creating Miracles” from June 18 to December 15.

The Consulate-General has selected more than 100 photos from more than 30 provinces and regions and dozens of ethnic groups in China, in order to showcase the journey of poverty alleviation with documentary perspectives, specific figures and image memories, to tell the unforgettable stories in the process of poverty alleviation in the areas of industry, science, technology, education and traffic, to vividly reflect the historic improvement of people’s lives in poverty-stricken areas, and to demonstrate how the CPC has led the Chinese people to achieve such a great success acknowledged by the whole world.

Chinese Consul General in Johannesburg Tang Zhongdong  said Chinese and African people have always been good brothers and good partners. In spite of differences in the specific circumstances or environmental backgrounds, both China and Africa face the same nature of poverty.

“We intend to use this gallery to share the joy and experience of our success with our African brothers, so that they can gain a deep understanding of China and the governing concepts of the CPC,” Tang said.

This gallery also includes some real pictures of Chinese companies and overseas Chinese in South Africa joining hands with South African people to create better lives.

See more pictures, please check China’s poverty alleviation photo gallery:



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