So-called Political Porters And My Red Dog

# Prem Sagar Poudel

They are using the ‘political impression’ only to plunder the country and the people and to work as agents for the Indo-West. Their only ultimate goal and objective is to prevent China’s development, prosperity, progress and influence, and to make a living by working as an agent for the Anti-China force.

This time the G7 summit was much debated and criticized. Concern countries should be discussed on their important issues and challenges, but not that they are interested in China’s internal affairs more than necessary as a result they are criticized bitterly.

Last Sunday, the last day of the G-7 summit of the world’s seven richest nations, held in the United Kingdom on June 11-13, 2021, the issue of China was unnecessarily raised. The world’s top seven leaders gathered at Britain’s Cornwall to discuss the most important issues and challenges, on the final day of the summit discussed heavily and unnecessarily about China as well.

The G7 leaders called for an in-depth investigation of the origin of corona virus, the human rights abuses of Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang, and granting the more autonomy to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in China. China has strongly protested and condemned.

it is clear that the G7 countries, including the United States, are startled by China’s growing influence and development. It is not difficult to understand that countries including the United States are making final preparations to stop China’s development, progress and effectiveness.

G7 is called Group of Seven. The G7 is a group of seven of the world’s largest modern economies, excluding China and Russia. The group includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom. Russia joined the group in 1998. It was then called G8. Russia was expelled from the group in 2014. China, the world’s most populous and largest economy, has never participated in it. This time, India, South Korea and Australia were also invited to the summit. Looking at this year’s G7 summit and its decisions, it is clear that the G7 countries, including the United States, are startled by China’s growing influence and development. It is not difficult to understand that countries including the United States are making final preparations to stop China’s development, progress and effectiveness.

Meanwhile, a meeting of NATO leaders in Brussels said China was a threat. China is a systemic challenge, a threat to the international system, including its growing nuclear arsenal, according to NATO’s leaders, but China has strongly opposed on such baseless accusation to destroy the growing fame of China in the world. For the first time since the establishment of the NATO, the issue of China has been discussed at the center. In addition, it is clear that the West has a strategy to use India against China through quad.

it is clear that Nepal’s politics is not in the interest of the country and the people. The government has not taken any interest or initiative in implementing the agreements reached with China in the past and in favor of national interests including the BRI. If you look at the faces of the Council of Ministers from history to now, you can see the faces of approximately 99% Indo-Western agents, which is still continuing.

The signs that Nepal is being used as a cockpit to restrain China’s development, progress and influence are beginning to prove on the surface day by day. Efforts to forcibly pass the MCC in Nepal can be taken as concrete evidence. On the one hand, the evil attempt to pass the MCC continues. On the other hand, the current government is seen as positive in the proposal that India is trying to get three strategic issues by making a decision from the Nepal Electricity Authority board. And, it is preparing to move the decision forward. First, it is said that India’s rival countries, including Nepal, will be taken information by connecting solar power plants with communication devices at the Tribhuvan International Airport. Second, to closely monitor Chinese activities by setting up wind power and hydropower plants in the strategically important Mustang district for India and, third, it aims to establish Indian hegemony over all hydropower and energy consultants in Nepal. If we take a closer look at the work being done by the current government, it is clear that Nepal’s politics is not in the interest of the country and the people. The government has not taken any interest or initiative in implementing the agreements reached with China in the past and in favor of national interests including the BRI. If you look at the faces of the Council of Ministers from history to now, you can see the faces of approximately 99% Indo-Western agents, which is still continuing. The qualifications required to become prime minister, ministers and key appointees have become like a strong agent of Indo-Western. Regardless of the government formed under the leadership of any political party, it can be seen that except for the patriots, they have got the opportunity. The government’s focus, however, seems to be on Indo-Western interests and the implementation of their plan. Looking at the political situation, the working style of the leaders of the political parties and the activities of the government, it is clear that the country is moving forward on the path of a failed nation. Moreover, the current constitution has not been able to address the country and the people.

Indo-Western control in government:

Looking at some of the leaders who participated in the government, Upendra Yadav and Rajendra Mahato were the main protagonists of the blockade in the past. They were the person who threw stones inside the house (towards Nepal) sitting at the border and they, themselves proudly announced that. Rajendra Mahato, who has publicly stated that “our defeat in the elections is India’s defeat”, has now been made Deputy Prime Minister by Prime Minister Oli in his cabinet. His appointment on the Deputy Prime Minister now means India’s presence in Nepal’s government.

At that time, these were the people who burnt the constitution, when it is implemented. It is a well-known fact that the blockade has been imposed as they have convinced India that this constitution is anti-Madhesh. The main issue of protest was citizenship. After this, in the last election, the people gave a majority to the NCP (NCP) against the blockade and defeated the regional and racist parties.

After Oli personally help to win the election to Rajendra Mahato, the facilitator of the blockade, many got the benefit of the doubt. Earlier, when the NCP (NCP) had a majority, another leader, Upendra Yadav, was made the Deputy Prime Minister then doubts arose as to whose will, worked behind it.

Before the India’s apology for the blockade and even accepting it as a blunder, the people felicitation of Modi was held by Oli. A scene rarely seen in the world has been seen again and again in Nepal.

India has not yet apologized for the blockade. Nepal had to bear the loss of billions of rupees due to the blockade imposed by India. Before the India’s apology for the blockade and even accepting it as a blunder, the people felicitation of Modi was held by Oli. A scene rarely seen in the world has been seen again and again in Nepal. When the country and the people could not free from the earthquake and blockade, PM Oli dressed like Modi and handed over the keys of development to him in Janakpur. What is more interesting is that the police had forcibly removed the banner related to the blockade hung at the office of the then Bibeksheel Sanjha Party at the time of Modi’s visit. Nothing objectionable was written on it. The banner “Modi is welcome in Nepal. But we have not forgotten the blockade” was not rude and illegal in any democratic country. But, it happened in Nepal. Many felt that such devotion was not necessary. This made Nepal and Nepalese bow their heads and made Nepal weak in terms of equality. It is to be recalled that the person who went to welcome the Chinese President during his state visit to Nepal was arrested and detained by the police from near the International Airport.

After Upendra Yadav and Rajendra Mahato came close to Baburam Bhattarai, the Delhi connection weakened. Baburam’s JNU doctrine and the current Indian government ideology are world’s apart. Meanwhile, the connection between Mahanta Thakur and Rajendra Mahato was getting stronger. Upendra was ousted from the government. It was not considered necessary to justify why he came and why he left. Although security is the main concern, India’s immediate and long-term interest is in Nepalese water, and ballast sand. When Bangladesh offered to buy ballast sand in 1990, Nepal did not give in to Indian pressure. Issues of importing Nepali ballast sand have been rising for a long time since the construction of a high dam in Koshi. As soon as Rajendra Mahato joined the government led by him, the government decided to allow the uninterrupted export of ballast sand from Chure excavation and Nepalese stream.

If there was no China in the north of Nepal, Nepal would have already become colony. Neither the Nepalese government nor the media have informed the Nepalese people about the role China has played for Nepal and its stability, development, prosperity, progress and peace. Instead, the media’s exaggerated news of China’s growing influence has had a negative impact on the times.

China has an important role to play in keeping Nepal strong and united. If there was no China in the north of Nepal, Nepal would have already become colony. Neither the Nepalese government nor the media have informed the Nepalese people about the role China has played for Nepal and its stability, development, prosperity, progress and peace. Instead, the media’s exaggerated news of China’s growing influence has had a negative impact on the times. The fact that the NCP (NCP) has remained intact so far, that China has been openly involved in resolving the NCP (NCP) dispute, and that the training of the party from Beijing, has been made public that startled India more than necessary. India saw the need to split the NCP (NCP) and bring the trusted Thakur closer to power. Oli seemed more qualified than others. Meanwhile, Samanta Goyal came to Kathmandu. Earlier, it was not true that the leader would not meet such character, but it was a tradition to meet secretly in a hotel. Confidence was seen entering Baluwatar this time.

Signs of an accident or vicissitude:

Due to foreign infiltration, investment of NGOs and appointments of flatterers and corrupt people within the party, the constitutional institutions including the judiciary have almost collapsed. All the organs of the state have turned into gangs of immoral of the Indo-West. No independent work can be expected from such institutions for the benefit of the country, the people and the nation. There is doubt that they will work in the interest of the country and the people has become clear in the controversy over the dissolution and re-establishment of the parliament. It is clear that this is happening according to the interests and designs of the Indo-West.

The army is the only remaining entity that the Indo-West has not been able to disperse. The country’s crisis is now showing signs of spiraling out of control. If the army does not intervene in time to prevent it from becoming uncontrollable, the Nepal Army may become paralyzed and a new armed force may be born to fill the vacancy. The rule of social development is that the empty space is not always empty, it is filled by someone.

The statement made by the Chief of Army Staff a few days ago shows the seriousness of the situation. The country’s crisis is unlikely to be resolved through the normal process. We have to move forward in the direction of collapsing the enemies of Nepal.

The opportunity to end the ordeal of Indo-Western agents and foreign nationals in the country has reached the most favorable point. For this, ordinary Nepalese should be mentally prepared. The statement made by the Chief of Army Staff a few days ago shows the seriousness of the situation. The country’s crisis is unlikely to be resolved through the normal process. We have to move forward in the direction of collapsing the enemies of Nepal.

The fact that Indio-West has kept its agents in readiness can be understood from Baburam’s statement. He had earlier threatened to merge Nepal if Indian suppression were opposed in Nepal. Now again, he has warned that Nepal is on the verge of a major accident. The common man understands that Bhattarai has expressed this under international power center’s direction. Now all these anti-Nepal gangs have to be destroyed. Otherwise, Nepal will enter into more complexity.

Naked faces of political party leaders:

If the orgy of Indo-Western agents and foreign nationals is not stopped in time in Nepal, it is certain to endanger Nepal’s existence. China will also be a direct victim. Because, whatever political or other activities are taking place in Nepal, most of them directed to curve China’s development, prosperity, progress and growing influence.

So much bad work is being done in the name of politics that it is disgusting to write everything. Most leaders are not as honest and loyal as my red dog.

The eyes of a person like me, who is closely watching every activity, see that anti-China activities are being carried out in Nepal using a ‘political impression’. So much bad work is being done in the name of politics that it is disgusting to write everything. Most leaders are not as honest and loyal as my red dog. When I was little, we kept three dogs in our house. Among them, the red dog was very strong, honest, loyal and courageous.

He could take a stand in any situation. No one was allowed to enter the compound of my house. It would follow the guest at their house and return home. On the way, other dogs came to attack in the group, never became afraid, fought with them and returned victorious. When I fell into the ditch in front of the house, he grabbed me by the teeth and rescued me. When my mother was ill, my father, who was working in a field about three kilometers away, cried and grabbed his cloth by the mouth and signaled him to come home. Our leaders have not been as honest with the country, the people, and the neighbors as my red dog. None of the political parties in Nepal follow the principles they claim. Moreover, they are neither democratic nor communist. They are using the ‘political impression’ only to plunder the country and the people and to work as agents for the Indo-West. Their only ultimate goal and objective is to prevent China’s development, prosperity, progress and influence, and to make a living by working as an agent for the Anti-China force. If this bitter reality is understood in time and the country’s interest for the stability, development and progress of the country and the people is delayed by accepting as own interests and moving forward, a situation may be created where the country will become dependent or the existence will be destroyed.


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