Instruction of the Minister of Education to confiscate the courses sold by printing old maps and to take action against those involved in it

Instruction of the Minister of Education to confiscate the courses sold by printing old maps and to take action against those involved in it

Minister of Education, Science and Technology Krishna Gopal Shrestha has instructed to confiscate the courses sold by printing the old map of the country and take action against those involved in it. Minister Shrestha gave the instruction after receiving information that some private publishers had changed the cover of the old book and sold the book by printing an old map of Nepal mentioning the new edition.

At the 88th Virtual Meeting of the Curriculum Development and Evaluation Council held today, Minister Shrestha directed the Curriculum Development Center to bring the publishers and vendors under the preview of law and take maximum action. He has directed the Center to immediately seek clarification from the publishers and distributors of books selling books deceiving the government by mentioning the old maps, confiscating the books sold in the market marked by the old maps and acting in accordance with the law if they disobey the directives of the ministry.

During the meeting, Secretary at the Ministry Ram Prasad Thapaliya informed that strict action would be taken against those selling new books by keeping old maps. Director General of the Center, Ana Prasad Neupane, informed that action would be taken against the publishers and sellers who printed old maps and sold books.

In the meeting, Minister Shrestha also directed to give approval for the printing of books of the listed publishers so as not to cause shortage of text books for class 6. The meeting has approved the syllabus of 6-8 of various subjects.

By Muna Chand


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