Improving HK electoral system opens new chapter of good governance in city: central govt spokesperson

A Chinese central government spokesperson on Thursday hailed the passage of a bill by the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to improve Hong Kong’s electoral system, saying that it is another major institutional achievement in the law-based governance of Hong Kong and the correction of chaos and will open a new chapter in the good governance of the city.

The spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council said the endorsement of “Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021” – which contains amendments to local electoral laws – marks the full completion of the local legislative work on improving the HKSAR’s electoral system.

The spokesman said that improving Hong Kong’s electoral system through local legislation would plug the loopholes in the previous electoral system and help end the electoral chaos that had occurred in the past.

In less than two months, the LegCo deliberated the bill with high quality and efficiency. The city’s association and people from all walks of life who love the city and the country also actively offered their suggestions and expressed their support, thus enabling the bill to pass with a large majority of votes.

All this fully demonstrates the responsibility of the HKSAR government, the LegCo and all sectors of society in upholding constitutional order. It also demonstrates the new spirit of mutual efforts and sound interaction between the executive and legislative bodies of the HKSAR, the spokesperson said.

The spokesman said that the new bill, together with the national security law for Hong Kong and the oath of allegiance of public officials, further established the new order of “patriots governing Hong Kong.” Under this new order, the governance efficiency of the HKSAR will continue to improve, providing a more solid guarantee for good governance.

The relevant central government departments will give full support to the SAR in promoting the understanding and recognition of the new electoral system, support the SAR government in organizing elections in accordance with the law, strictly regulate election activities, resolutely crack down on illegal acts that disrupt electoral order, and ensure the smooth and orderly conduct of the upcoming elections for the Chief Executive Election Committee, the Legislative Council, and the Chief Executive of the HKSAR.

Carrie Lam, chief executive of HKSAR government on Thursday welcomed the passage of amendments to electoral laws by LegCo, hailing it as a landmark occasion for ensuring “patriots administering Hong Kong” under the “one country, two systems.”

During the legislative process, the SAR government had firmly refuted the misleading remarks made by some foreign politicians and media on the central government’s efforts to improve the electoral system in the SAR. The fallacies and ulterior motives of these remarks were the same as their groundless criticism against the national security law for Hong Kong, Lam said.

Lam pointed out that the improvement in the electoral system is timely and necessary. No country or government will turn a blind eye to such hazards created by the anti-China and anti-Hong Kong forces which created chaos in the LegCo, paralyzed the operations of the HKSAR government and even colluded with outside forces to harm Hong Kong’s security and interests.

The Legislative Council of Hong Kong holds a meeting for the second reading of the bill to improve the Hong Kong electoral system on Thursday. Photo: cnsphoto


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