Shanghai to hold events marking CPC’s centenary

A series of events including a grand conference will be held in Shanghai to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Party officials announced on Thursday. The memorial of the first National Congress of the CPC is scheduled for reopening after a refurbishment ahead of July 1 this year, the days of the CPC’s centenary.

Shanghai will also complete work related to awarding outstanding Party members such as awarding the “July 1 Medals,” according to officials.

Meanwhile, the city will issue regulations on the inheritance and protection of red resources in Shanghai ahead of July 1 as a way to better protect and inherit precious CPC history, Zhou Huilin, head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee said during a press conference held in Shanghai on Thursday.

In the past May Day holidays, the popularity of “red tourism” across China soared. Many people visited attractions commemorating the history of the CPC. As the birthplace of the CPC, Shanghai currently has preserved 612 historic sites related to “red resources” between 1919 and 1949.

Notably, the average age of representatives participating in CPC’s first national congress was 28. Young people are one of the important groups to inherit the Party’s history. Shanghai has explored many creative ways to attract more young people to better know the CPC’s history.

For example, Party history is taught in contextual and specific activities. Youth can follow a bicycle riding route to explore red sites which have become popular landmarks, according to Zhou.

Large-scale exhibitions will also be held to display the achievements and experience of the CPC over the past 100 years in Shanghai. A map with red sites in the city will also be issued. Residents can review over 400 red sites as well as over 140 patriotism education bases online.

Party officials during a press conference held in Shanghai on Thursday. Photo: Yang Hui/GT


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