Alibaba founder Jack Ma Yun showed up at Hangzhou headquarters, the third public appearance this year

Alibaba founder Jack Ma Yun showed up at Hangzhou headquarters, the third public appearance this year

Alibaba founder Jack Ma Yun on Monday made a rare public appearance to Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou to attend the 17th Alibaba family and staff day, his second appearance after Chinese regulators imposed a record antitrust fine of 18.2 billion yuan ($2.84 billion) against Alibaba for abusing its market position in April.

In a picture widely circulating on domestic media platforms, Ma Yun was wearing a blue T-shirt, holding a book in hand and smiling to Alibaba employees. Many netizens said that they noticed Ma’s grey hair, but commented that Ma looked in good spirit.

The Alibaba family and staff day is an annual event when the relatives and friends of Alibaba employees visit the company’s offices. Usually a group wedding was also held on that day where Jack Ma would be the chief witness. This year, Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong witnessed the wedding.

This is only the second time that Jack Ma Yun was seen in public events after the Chinese e-commerce giant was hit with a massive fine by Chinese regulators for violating anti-monopoly laws on April 10. On April 14, Ma Yun showed up at a video conference meeting of the Russian Geographical Society with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ma did not speak at the event.

The Chinese billionaire has kept a low profile after delivering a public speech last October in Shanghai. He has largely disappeared from public sight, leading tospeculation regardinghis whereabouts.

In January, Ma had addressed a large group of rural teachers on online conference Wednesday, attracting significant global media attention.

Alibaba shares fell by 3.35 percent to HK$208 as of press time.

Photo:Screenshot from Sina Weibo


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