Hangzhou park apologizes for failing to alert people of escaped leopards timely

The Hangzhou Safari Park on Saturday apologized for failing to announce the escape of three juvenile leopards in time. Two of the leopards have been captured as of 5 pm Saturday.

The park said that they are deeply sorry for delaying the announcement. They thought juvenile leopards are weak and won’t pose a great danger. So they decided not to announce their escape to avoid causing public panic, reads the park’s apology.

People in charge of the park have been put under control, according to the local government.

Three leopards cultivated at the Hangzhou Safari Park escaped. Two of them have been captured as of 5 pm Saturday, media reported.

Some local residents reported that they witnessed some big cats that looked like leopards on  Friday evening. Local authorities launched an investigation and found that what they witnessed were juvenile leopards that had escaped from the park, local government said.

It is still unclear how the leopards escaped. The park had been closed for rectification and screening for potential safety loopholes.

Local authorities have issued safety warnings to local villages, schools and communities. The authorities have also asked residents to call the police once they see the leopards.



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