Tourist agency investigated for taking elderly to a graveyard sales trip

Government of Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality vowed to investigate a local travel agency, after it deceived a group of elderly people into touring a cemetery and trying to sell graveyard to them.

Recently, a tourist surnamed Zheng said that a Chongqing travel agency, Longyao, approached him and offer him a tour of “scenic spot,” which costs only 18 yuan ($2.78) fee, plus a free lunch.

Zheng immediately spread the good news to his friends and dozens of them signed up for the tour.

It turned out that those elderly people were taken to a cemetery and the promised “scenic spot” tour was a sales trip of the graveyard.

After receiving a complaint report from Zheng, the Chongqing Municipality’s culture and tourism development committee decided to investigate Longyao, and found out that the company has no qualifications to organize tourist groups.

The Chongqing city government said that it will crack down on any behavior that violates tourists’ rights and damages the city’s image.

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