China opposes US’ unprecedented meeting invitation to Taiwan rep in France, calling it endorsement for Taiwan secessionists

China strongly opposed to the US Embassy in France’s invitation to Taiwan’s representative in France to attend a lunch meeting on Friday, stating that the move seriously violated the one-China principle and endorsed the Taiwan “secessionist forces,” the Chinese embassy in France responded on its official website on Sunday.

Brian Aggeler, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim at the US Embassy in France, on Friday invited “Taiwan Representative to France”Wu Chih-chung to his residence for lunch at the embassy. Some Taiwan-based media outlets called it “the first time since the breakdown of diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan in 1979” that the US Embassy in France invited to its residence a “representative of Taiwan in France” for a visit exchange, and some even see it as a sign of “US normalizing Taiwan exchanges with unprecedented meeting in France.”

There is only one China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legal government representing all of China. This is a fact recognized by the entire international community and a fundamental norm in international relations, said the Chinese embassy in France.

The move seriously violates the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-American Joint Communiqués, and goes against their long-standing political commitments to China on the Taiwan question, and endorses the “forces” of “Taiwan secessionists,” the embassy noted in a response.

“We urge the US to strictly observe the one-China principle and the Three China-US Joint Communiques, immediately stop all forms of official exchanges between the US and Taiwan island and stop using the Taiwan question to undermine China-US relations,” said the embassy.

“The US maneuvering can never change the fact that there is only one China in the world, let alone the Chinese government’s strong position on the Taiwan question,” it stressed.

Screenshot of China’s embassy in France’s website


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