CAAC changes its regulation for inbound flights to China to help travelers

CAAC changes its regulation for inbound flights to China to help travelers

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) modified its policy for airlines flying to China. Market observers said the reform is more flexible and helps travelers.

The adjustment came after the US eased travel bans on Chinese students on Monday.

The CAAC announced on Wednesday new pandemic prevention measures that affect air travel.

If the number of passengers on a flight testing positive for COVID-19 reaches five, the carrier can choose to suspend the flight for two weeks, starting from the fourth week after its arrival. Otherwise, it should control the capacity on each flight with restrictions to operate at a passenger rate of no more than 40 percent for four weeks.

If the number of confirmed passengers with COVID-19 reaches 10, the flight will be suspended for four weeks, starting from the fourth week after its arrival. If the number of confirmed passengers reaches 10 on two consecutive flights, the suspension will start from that week and last for eight weeks.

If the number of confirmed passengers reaches 30 on a flight, the flight will be suspended starting from that week and last for four weeks.

“The modification favors travelers,” market observer, Lin Zhijie, told the Global Times on Thursday, explaining that the new measures mean the airlines will not need to suspend their operations and will also help those travelers that need to return home.

The CAAC said the rule will take effect from May 1.

China’s government launched its “Five One” policy at the end of March in 2020 in a bid to curb the COVID-19 crisis, allowing one airline to serve one country, from one Chinese city to one foreign city, with no more than one flight a week.

In June 2020, CAAC announced that if the number of passengers who test positive for COVID-19 on a flight to China reaches five, the carrier’s route to China will be suspended for one week. If the number reaches 10, operations will be suspended for four weeks.

In December 2020, the CAAC updated its regulations for inbound flights, stating that if five or more passengers tested positive for COVID-19, the air route involved would be suspended for two weeks, one week longer than previously required.

File Photo: Courtesy of China Eastern Airlines


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