China reiterates willingness to help India fight COVID-19 surge

China has expressed its willingness to help India fight its recent COVID-19 surge and will provide support within its capacity if requested, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Monday. It was the second time in less than a week that China expressed willingness to assist India in the epidemic fight.

China and India are maintaining communication on the matter, Wang added.

On Friday, FM spokesperson Zhao Lijian offered to help India and said China is ready to provide support and help according to India’s needs.

The surging number of COVID-19 infections in India has gripped the hearts of people around the world, with many countries offering to provide help.

In response to questions on what China thinks about the effectiveness of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) – one of its recent agenda items was anti-virus cooperation, while India seems to have received little help from the other three countries – Wang said that China hopes related countries can offer help within their capabilities to fulfill their international responsibility and obligation.

The pandemic is a shared challenge for all human beings and every country should work together to fight it. China is willing to help India and hopes all countries can unite to fight the common enemy, Wang said. “I also noticed that recently some international organizations and leaders called for help and support as many countries need help from the international community in fighting the virus.”

Wang noted that one-sixth of Europeans and one-fifth of people in North America have been vaccinated, while in Africa, only 1 percent of the population have been vaccinated. The international community should be alert and reflect on the huge vaccination gap between developing and developed countries.

China is the earliest country to make good on its promise to make vaccines public goods. “We are against nationalism on vaccines and are willing to work with the international community to promote fair and just distribution of vaccines. We also call on all countries that have the capability, to support and help developing countries get access to vaccines,” Wang said.

Photo: CFP


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