IAEA to invite China to technical team to supervise Japan’s nuclear-contaminated water disposal plan: Chinese FM

IAEA to invite China to technical team to supervise Japan’s nuclear-contaminated water disposal plan: Chinese FM

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that China will be invited to join a technical working group to evaluate and supervise Japan’s Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water disposal plan, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

China has maintained that the IAEA should establish a technical working group, including China and other stakeholders, to work on Japan’s disposal plan for contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear plant and the follow-up international assessment and monitoring work as soon as possible, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin during a routine press conference.

The IAEA has been actively engaged in setting up the technical group, and has confirmed to the Chinese side that Chinese experts will be invited to join the group, said Wang, noting that China will fully support the follow-up work of the institution.

China, as an important stakeholder, is gravely concerned about Japan’s irresponsible actions, a reaction that is totally understandable and justified, he said.

He urged Japan to earnestly address the concerns of China and other stakeholders and the international community before dumping the contaminated water into the sea.

It is irresponsible for the Japanese government to unilaterally decide to handle the contaminated water by discharging it into the sea, disregarding doubts and objections at home and abroad, and without the full disclosure of relevant information and full consultation with neighboring countries and the international community, Wang said.

It not only directly jeopardizes the vital interests of people in Japan’s neighboring countries, but also threatens the global marine environment and international public health security, he said.

Tanks at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant store nuclear-contaminated wastewater. Photo: Xinhua


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