HK Police College stages Chinese-style foot drills as city celebrates National Security Education Day for first time: Exclusive with Commissioner of Police

HK Police College stages Chinese-style foot drills as city celebrates National Security Education Day for first time: Exclusive with Commissioner of Police

As Hong Kong celebrates the National Security Education Day for the first time, the Hong Kong Police College staged, also for the first time, performed the Chinese-style foot drills for the public, including commanding swords and flags, to allow local residents experience the sentiment for the motherland, Commissioner of Police Chris Tang Ping-keung told the Global Times in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

This was also the first time the college, besides during graduation ceremonies, staged a ceremony raising the Chinese national flag and playing the national anthem for the local residents, Tang said.

More than 23 years after Hong Kong returned to the motherland, putting an end to its colonial past, the Hong Kong Police College held Chinese-style foot drill trainings for the first time in February. These drills were taught by members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison, who were invited by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF).

“The training of the HKPF continues to keep up with the changing times, so as to deal with all kinds of challenges that may arise. The foot drills are, of course, no exception,” Tang said, noting that although the HKPF foot drills style is derived from the historical background, under the command of college instructors, it has been evolving to adopt local characteristics.

Some experts and representatives from the HKPF consider such training in Chinese style a very necessary one, as the HKPF still has strong colonial characteristics that need to change.

“We will continue to review various cooperation and training plans, and make preparations in line with the needs of the events. We will also consider using different types of foot drills for different ceremonies,” Tang said.

Hong Kong celebrated the National Security Education Day on Thursday with a number of activities to promote public awareness. Schools across the city raised Chinese national flags and sang the national anthem to celebrate the day. Once hit by black-clad protests and riots, Hong Kong has stepped up efforts to fix local governance loopholes while enhancing education of the young generation to eradicate radical ideas.

An opening ceremony for unveiling the National Security Education Day in the city was held on Thursday morning at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Both local and central government officials were in attendance. Carrie Lam, chief executive of the HKSAR government, Luo Huining, director of the central government’s liaison office in Hong Kong, Zheng Yanxiong, who leads the central government’s office of safeguarding the national security in the city, as well as Yang Yirui, acting commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, delivered speeches at the ceremony.

Since the national security law for Hong Kong took effect, a total of 100 people allegedly engaging in activities endangering national security have been arrested. The law has been playing a significant role in the city’s stability, Tang said.

However, we have to stay vigilant to prevent illegal activities from happening again. Safeguarding the national security is one of the top priority missions for both the 2021 Commissioner of Police and the HKPF, the official noted.

Photo:Sina Weibo


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