Chinese Film Festival in Myanmar Promotes Mutual Understanding

The Lunar New Year saw the start of a week-long festival in Myanmar celebrating Chinese film.

The new festival features four Chinese films that have been dubbed into the Myanmar language.

The films have been screened in cinemas in 11 different parts of the country, including Yangon, and the capital Naypyidaw.

One of the films is the critically acclaimed 2015 comedy-drama Go Away Mr. Tumor.

The film was an emotional rollercoaster for the audience, bringing both laughter and tears.

American tourist Cate Legate is in Myanmar for a one-month trip. She said, “This is a very new experience. I cried a lot. It was very touching and close to my heart. Pretty much when she got to the point of realization of what life was when the bag flew away and everything was very touching and soft and real. It really made me feel amazing.”

Yangon resident Saw Kaung Myat Thu said the movie is different from Chinese films he had seen before, “Very good movie. Perfect. (That it’s in the) Myanmar language makes things very exact (what they are) with translation, and lively. It gives various kinds of feelings, not only comedy, also drama.”

The event was jointly organized by the Chinese embassy in Myanmar and the Myanmar Ministry of Information.

Chinese Ambassador Hong Liang said the film festival will become a regular event in the country, “Because we think this is a very effective platform to enhance our mutual understanding. Also I think it’s a lot of fun for Myanmar friends here, especially during the Chinese New Year. I think these Chinese movies will give some happy hours to our Myanmar friends.”

Myanmar’s Minister of Information Pe Myint agreed, “When (they) see Chinese movies, Myanmar people will know Chinese people more deeply and what they are doing, and improve (our bilateral) relationship.”

Besides Go Away Mr. Tumor, the other three Chinese movies screened in Myanmar are Xuan Zang, Kung Fu Yoga, and Detective Chinatown.


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