Kim Jong Un thanked all the people for being healthy and free from illness

Kim Jong Un thanked all the people for being healthy and free from illness

The word characteristic of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 2020 is Thanks.
The word Thanks was the expression of gratitude the Korean people extended to Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea.
The DPRK went through unexpected challenges and difficulties. In August and September, a large area of land under cultivation and facilities were seriously damaged and many people lost their houses owing to flooding and the following typhoons.
Kim Jong Un did his best to relieve the people from the sufferings as soon as possible. He took detailed measures on the spot walking a muddy road and looking around a devastated area which might suffer from landslide any moment.
Seeing him, the local people said from the bottom of their hearts, “Thank you.”
All the people of the devastated areas also said “Thank you,” when they were provided with newly-built houses free of charge.
On October 10 last year, at the military parade held in celebration of the 75th founding anniversary of the WPK Kim Jong Un thanked all the people for being healthy and free from illness, for recognizing and truly understanding the difficult situation the state faced and handling it by regarding it as their domestic matter and for firmly supporting their country with their honest sweat and toil.
The year 2020 was truly characterized by the word thank.


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