Shanghai’s precise COVID-19 prevention and control measures ensure megacity’s safety

Responding to the public’s concerns about the latest sporadic local COVID-19 cases in the city, Shanghai’s medical experts assured the public of the city’s ability to contain the epidemic with precise prevention and control measures on Tuesday.

As a very safe megacity which resumed social activities very quickly, Shanghai is well prepared for sporadic cases in the latest round of the outbreaks, said Ning Guang, president of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, at the press briefing on Tuesday, noting that it is unnecessary for the public to worry or panic about the cases and they should avoid believing or spreading rumors.

Ning assured the public that Shanghai has the ability to handle the situation with its deliberately designed, comprehensively planned, feasible and practical epidemic prevention and control measures.

The city’s precise prevention and control strategy includes gridding control, active monitoring, closed-loop management, deliberate, detailed, feasible and practical tactics which can swiftly cut off transmission routes, interrupt the chain of transmission and nip the virus in the bud.

In general, the current epidemic situation is under control and there is absolutely no possibility of widespread transmission of the virus.

Besides, Shanghai has sufficient medical resources and beds to deal with another possible COVID-19 outbreak, with 122 fever clinics equipped with over 1,100 observation beds and another 8,000 beds preserved at back-up hospitals, introduced Wu Jinglei, head of the Shanghai Health Commission at the press conference.

Shanghai reported two new local COVID-19 cases on Monday with one living in the downtown Huangpu district turning out to be the wife of a confirmed patient who was confirmed infected on Saturday.

The second local case lives in downtown Changning district and is a family member of a hospitalized patient of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center who was found in the closed-loop management of the hospital where a confirmed local case was reported last Wednesday.

All samples from relevant personnel and environment tested negative for the virus.

At the moment, all 15 local COVID-19 cases reported in Shanghai are receiving treatment at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center; 13 patients are categorized as mild cases and two are light cases.

Medical workers give residents in Shanghai nucleic acid tests. Photo:Yang Hui/GT


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