Chinese firm Skyrizon vows to protect itself against US sanction with ‘legal weapon’

After being placed on a US blacklist, Chinese aviation firm Skyrizon has vowed that it would firmly protect its legitimate rights and interests with “legal weapon,” saying that it opposes all unreasonable suppression of Chinese firms.

Skyrizon confirmed that it was added to the Military End-User (MEU) List by the US Department of Commerce and it has launched a risk assessment and response mechanism to carefully study the possible impacts, according to a statement posted on the company’s WeChat account.

The company has vowed to defend its legitimate rights, adding that it firmly opposes US’ abuse of state power to crackdown on normal business activities of Chinese companies with the catch-all guise of “national security.”

The US government on Thursday added more Chinese firms, including Skyrizon, Xiaomi Corp and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, to its MEU under the guise of a “national threat” and identified China as a “foreign adversary” in its information and communications technology supply chain.

The latest suppression on Chinese companies has drawn strong reaction in China and has been described by some Chinese analysts as the latest move of the Trump administration’s “final frenzy” in its crackdown on Chinese firms.

Despite a short-term impact on the share prices and brand of these Chinese companies, the Trump administration’s latest crackdowns face uncertainties as the transition of power to the Joe Biden administration on January 20 draws near, said Song Guoyou, deputy director of the Center for American Studies, Fudan University.

Other Chinese companies being blacklisted by the US have also refuted the groundless accusations and vowed to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Xiaomi said on Friday that it will “take appropriate action to protect the interests of the company and its stakeholders.”

The Trump administration has overgeneralized the concept of national security, abused state power and repeatedly suppressed Chinese companies without cause, which China firmly opposes, Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on Friday.

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