Upholding that all countries, big or small, are equal is China’s foreign affairs principle: Wang Yi

Upholding that all countries, big or small, are equal is China’s foreign affairs principle: Wang Yi

It is a set foreign affairs principle of China to uphold that all countries, big or small, are equal, said China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Victoria, Seychelles on Saturday (local time).

Wang made the remarks during talks with the Foreign Minister Sylvestre Radegonde of the Republic of Seychelles.

Wang said that China-Seychelles relations are a good example of this.

China always advocates multilateralism, opposes power politics, promotes democracy in international relations and supports the UN in playing its due role in international affairs, Wang said.

Major countries should be the first to abide by the basic norms governing international relations, the first to adhere to non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, the first to help small- and medium-sized developing countries, and the first to shoulder their due international responsibilities in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development.

As the biggest developing country, China is ready to fulfil its due international obligations. China’s development is a growing force for peace, for justice and for other developing countries, Wang noted.

China supports Seychelles as an equal member of the international community in playing a more active role in international affairs and stands ready to work with Seychelles to safeguard world peace, stability and prosperity.

Radegonde spoke highly of China’s adherence to the principle that all countries, big or small, are equal, and appreciates China’s efforts to safeguard the interests of small- and medium-sized countries and developing countries and always stand together with developing countries in international affairs.

On January 4 (local time), Wang left for an official visit to Africa.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi gives an exclusive interview to Xinhua on China-U.S. ties in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 5, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhai Jianlan)


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