A great program of struggle that leads the construction of Korean socialism to a new victory On the report of Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un at the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea

At the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which became a significant political incident in the development of the revolution with our Party, there was a report on the 7th project summation of the Party Central Committee from January 5th to 7th, Juche10 (201).
Comrade Kim Jong- un, who is the chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Chairman of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea , reported on the Central Committee’s project summary.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in his nine-hour report, comprehensively analyzed and summarized the project formulation of the 7th Central Committee and presented new lines of struggle and strategic and tactical policies for a breakthrough in socialist construction. He raised important tasks for advancing external relations and strengthening and developing our business.
The Report of the Central Committee’s Project Consolidation is based on recognizing the main objective factors and serious deficiencies that deter our progress under the established internal and external situation, innovating the entire party and state business, and moving the socialist cause to the next stage of victory. It is a great code of practice that clarifies clear struggle tasks and strategies .
The essence of the 7th Project Summary Report of the Party Central Committee, which clarified the course of the Korean Revolution at this stage, boldly breaks through the existing threats and challenges by reinforcing our own strength and juche competency, and making a new leap forward in the construction of Korean-style socialism. It is that we must make sure progress by raising the power.
The project summary report, in which the outstanding ideological and theories of our party are compiled, is a militant banner that must be held in a new stage of struggle administration for the revival and development of our nation and the happiness of the people, and firmly connects the historical roots of the Juche cause and today and the future. It becomes a revolutionary document.
It is the greatest honor and great encouragement of our Party and the people to embrace the programmatic guidelines for the full development of our style socialism in a course that firmly believes in the legitimacy and victory of one’s own achievements and continues through the years of hard struggle. do.
The report on the 7th project summary of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea is organized as follows.
1. Achievements achieved during the consensus period
2. For the breakthrough in socialist construction
3. For the independent reunification of the motherland and the development of foreign relations
4. For the strengthening and development of the project
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in the introduction to the Central Committee’s Report on Project Summary, outlined the leadership activities conducted by the Party Central Committee during the consensus period in order to carry out the heavy and honorable mission given by the 7th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
The Party Central Committee regularly holds the party plenary meetings and other major party meetings to take timely measures and measures to carry out the decisions of the 7th Congress, and actively invokes the entire party, the whole country, and the whole people to achieve great results. Accomplished.
In the report, serious deficiencies were found in business in various fields, including economic work, in the strict internal and external world, but this is a bias that appeared in the process of advancing the socialist cause, a new stage of development, and we can correct and solve it as much as we can with our wisdom and strength. They pointed out that there are problems.
1. Achievements achieved during the consolidation period
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in the first system of the report, summed up the proud achievements of our Party and the people during the consensus period with pride.
For the past five years since the 7th Congress, the Workers’ Party of Korea organized and deployed a relentless offensive struggle to convert all obstacles to a huge victory, and the victory achieved in this process opened the era of new development, the era of Korea’s state-firstism. It can be characterized as
As mentioned in the report, the era of state-firstism was a result of the Korean Workers’ Party boldly facing all the challenges of history and steadfastly increasing its strength and steadfast efforts for the people. It is a new era of self-esteem and prosperity born as a result.
In the report, first of all, the achievements achieved in the process of realizing the popular mass-first politics during the concluding period were summarized.
The most shining achievement achieved in the last five years’ struggle to carry out the decision of the 7th Congress is the remarkable expansion and reinforcement of political and ideological power, the first engine of our revolution.
The Party Central Committee puts the popular masses-first politics on the forefront of the party’s existence and the success or failure of socialism and the basic politics that govern the success or failure of the party and strengthens the single-hearted unity of the party and the people more like a rock. In reinforcing the subject of the company and enhancing its role, it has achieved clear results.
“Everything for the people, everything based on the popular masses!” This was the core of the leadership ideology that the Party Central Committee held firmly without any detriment or concession of favor during the consensus period.
The Central Committee of the Party pushed forward a project to thoroughly consistently align popular mass-firstism with the Party and state activities, and continued the struggle to remove all kinds of anti-popular factors that hinder its realization.
The report analyzed how the Party Central Committee carried out a detailed political offensive to fix the popular mass firstism with the state’s solid political climate, party wind, and national wind.
What has special significance in the work of the Party Central Committee to reinforce the political and ideological position is the more intensely advanced revolutionary traditional culture to meet the demands of the succession and development of the Juche revolutionary cause.
Armed with the Baekdu’s revolutionary tradition, the indomitable spirit of attack based on the great tradition and the spirit of Partisan Mountain to overcome difficulties and to open a pioneering path. To ensure that it is succeeded firmly, it becomes one of the important achievements achieved during the consensus period.
The Party Central Committee informed the party members and the people of the demands of the situation, the party’s intentions, and the revolutionary task in detail, and carried out political activities in a timely and dynamic manner that aroused a fierce struggle.
The power of the popular masses-first politics of finding the driving force of revolutionary development in the hearts of the popular masses and burning their hearts was intensively expressed in activating the people’s mental and creative power to the maximum in coping with the challenges encountered and changing circumstances.
In the report, it was mentioned that all the work of the Party and the State was thoroughly consistent with dedication to the people.
The Party consistently adheres to the principle of respecting the people’s desperate living needs and will in establishing and implementing the lines and policies, and ensuring that all production and construction are carried out on the basis of the reflection and evaluation of the people with the guarantee of the people’s convenience in the first place. He adhered to it, and special efforts were given to ensure that all party organizations and state institutions exert a high spirit of dedication to the people.
The fact that the Party Central Committee fulfilled its mission and duty as a true people’s armed forces to protect the country and the people with iron walls from sudden non-military threats as well as military threats is an important component of the popular masses-first politics. It became part.
The Party Central Committee has achieved valuable achievements in uniting our society into one large family by allowing the party organizations of the party to truly help and lead people who are suffering or struggling in life.
The people-first politics of the Workers’ Party of Korea, filled with faith, devotion, repayment, and loyalty, strengthened the political and ideological position of our revolution, accumulated irresistible force to overcome any obstacles and challenges, and our style socialism centered on the masses The superiority and vitality of the company were clearly highlighted.
It is reported that no matter how severe the situation is, no matter how difficult the situation overlaps, and even if there are inherent flaws, it is possible to overcome all disadvantageous main objective factors and easily solve the enormous challenges of socialist construction if a thorough implementation of the popular masses-first politics can be achieved. It was emphasized that it was a valuable policy reaffirmed during the concluding period.
In the report, Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un summed up the achievements of our Party and the people in their struggle to increase their own strength during the consolidation period.
The struggle between our Party and the people to carry out the decision of the 7th Congress of the Party is an active offensive battle to open a new path for socialist construction by grasping self-reliance as a lifeline of self-esteem and self-reliance, as a powerful development engine, and breaking through the pile of difficulties. It was this.
The spirit of self-reliance emphasized by the 7th Congress and the fighting policy for its realization were embodied in more depth in the Party plenary meetings and implemented in practice. It is an aggressive strategy that turns it into a golden opportunity to increase and reinforce internal power, and it has developed deeply into a political line that must be held permanently in socialist construction.
In a whole-popular struggle to promote socialist construction by increasing self-power, self-reliance was further consolidated by the national tradition of Juche Joseon and the unique fighting spirit of the Korean Revolution.
Although the report did not reach the predicted strategic goal in the field of economic construction, it provided a valuable foundation for sustaining economic development on its own in the future, and the meaningful achievement here is the material foundation and lifeline of our socialism He pointed out that he maintained the foundations of an independent national economy and socialist economy, and adhered to its context.
The Party Central Committee has accumulated new potential for reorganizing the entire economy and solidifying development by taking revolutionary measures to reinforce the state’s unified guidance and strategic management in economic projects, and by firmly adhering to the socialist principles in the economic field.
During the period of the consolidation, the Party greatly renewed the state of the country by emphasizing and powerfully promoting the construction project as an important political project that enhances the nation’s overall national strength and leads the people to socialist civilization.
In the agricultural sector, even in the midst of continuous severe scabies and large waters, and everything is scarce, scientific farming and a massive expansion of heat have been violently generated, resulting in an unprecedented increase in grain production.
In the metal industry and chemical industry, which are the twin pillars of the self-reliant economy, a breakthrough has been made for realization of subjectivity and self-reliance. The results have been achieved.
In the light industry sector, major factories and enterprises were rebuilt, securing the potential to significantly increase the quality and production of people’s consumer goods, and laying the foundation for systematically cultivating production in the fishery sector.
In the nationwide and whole-gun struggle to increase the country’s forest resources, more than 100 million new forests were created, and the power and tools necessary for forestry measures, national land environment protection, and urban management projects were prepared.
In the field of science and technology, valuable scientific and technological achievements and inventions, including the national focus targets, were achieved, and projects to innovate the content and methods of education in the education sector and to improve the educational conditions and environment were actively promoted.
The material and technical foundation of the health sector was further strengthened, and a well-established business system and foundation were established in the sanitary and quarantine sector through a preemptive and powerful emergency quarantine project to prevent the global convective epidemic.
Active projects were carried out to scientificize physical education and to create a sports fever, and projects to establish a national disaster prevention and crisis management system were in progress, enabling them to respond dynamically to various disasters including natural disasters.
The achievements achieved in the last five years’ struggle to continuously increase their own strength are achieved by their own efforts in the midst of prolonged severe sanctions and severe disasters. Because of the strong power of self-reliance, which is the fruit of development and accumulated through hardships, our Party and the people’s majestic advance toward a socialist power will be accelerated more vigorously with a wider breadth and depth.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in his report, mentioned the achievements achieved in the struggle for strengthening the state’s nuclear war deterrent and self-defense force.
For our Party and the people, the completion of the national nuclear armed forces construction project was a strategic and dominant hill that must be preemptively occupied in the powerful socialist state construction administration that we reap.
The country and nation were divided by the United States, the world’s first nuclear power and the war monster, and the specificity of the Joseon Revolution, which directly faced this invading force and the century, and the geopolitical characteristics of our state are the people’s welfare and the fate of the revolution. For the sake of the existence and independent development of the state, it demanded that the construction of nuclear weapons, which has already begun, be carried out without interruption.
The Party Central , headed by the dear Comrade Kim Jong-un , operates a forced breakthrough for the completion of the nuclear armed forces construction major business, arouses the entire party and the whole people to the Byeongjin-ro line, and brings defense scientists and nuclear scientists to true revolutionaries and patriots. In order to prepare for the association, a major ideological battle was organized and deployed.
The energetic and outstanding leadership activities carried out by the Party Central on the destiny of the motherland and nation opened the history of miracles leading to the birth of the Korean Workers’ Party-style strategic weapon.
In the report, the historical process that led to the revolutionary transformation to equip completely new nuclear capabilities aimed at achieving the goal of modernization of nuclear force was mentioned in detail.
Under the direct guidance of the Party Central, the medium-range and intercontinental ballistic rockets of the 《Hwaseong Artillery》 series and the underwater and ground-launched ballistic rockets of the 《Arctic》 series were born in our way in accordance with the unique operational mission of our nation as a nuclear power. It gave a clearer representation of the country and enabled us to build a perfect nuclear shield and to solidify a strong and reliable strategic deterrent capable of responding to any threat.
The nuclear technology that had already been accumulated during the summation period was further advanced, and the nuclear weapons were miniaturized, standardized, and tactical weapons were completed, and the development of super-large hydrogen munitions was completed. With great success, he declared to the world with pride that the historical cause of the completion of the national nuclear armed forces and the realization of the great rocket power.
Conventionally, the completion of the national nuclear force construction project, which could not be accomplished in 20 or 30 years, was completed in four years from the time the Byeongjin line of economic construction and nuclear force construction was presented, and in one year from the time of the 7th Congress. What has been brilliantly realized is a miracle that will never be seen again in history, and it becomes the most significant national and historical achievement established by the 7th Central Committee in front of the party and revolution, the motherland and the people, and in front of future generations.
Even after the historic January-January Incident, the Party Central continued to lead the struggle for the advancement of nuclear armed forces without stopping to achieve a huge and new victory.
The report stated that the Party Central decided to develop a more powerful nuclear warhead and a global strike rocket with improved warhead control capabilities, and carried out this historical task brilliantly based on the patriotic loyalty of the defense scientists. The new type of huge rocket mounted on the congratulatory launch vehicle and unveiled affirmed that it fully showed off the best modernity and striking capability reached by our nuclear armed forces.
National nuclear force construction completion and the subsequent development of daeeop is that Dear Kim Jong-un comrades the whole defense scientists opened the struggle for immortality at the same time, the party victorious in the organization ryeongdoryeok of the Central Committee to the indomitable independent beliefs and gangyonghan spirit that accompanied the entire Korean people Becomes a great victory.
The report made the military technological strength of our country irreversible by coping with the enemy’s aggressive military force enhancement measures during the general meeting, and completing the continuous development of a new advanced weapon system in the defense science sector, and the war deterrence and war performance ability to be at the highest level. It was summed up about the upright.
In the field of defense science, development and completion of super-sized missiles, an ultra-strong multiple-fire weapon that had no concept in the world armament field, and advanced nuclear tactical weapons such as new tactical rockets and medium and long-range cruise missiles that dominate the world with commercial warhead power. By doing so, he gained confidence in military technology.
Defense scientists and military personnel have set the direction for the development of Korean-style flagship tanks to keep up with the global development trend, renewed the production process, and began to enter their own new development trajectory.Anti-aeronautical rocket assembly, self-paced sandpaper, anti-armored Weapons have also been developed at the world level.
In the report, a research project to further complete the multi-tank head guidance technology in the Defense Science Research Division during the concluding period is in progress at the closing stage, and the development of warheads for various combat missions including the hypersonic glide flight combat unit to be applied to new ballistic missiles. It was mentioned that they were preparing to enter the test production after finishing the test.
In addition, the standard of the medium-sized submarine armament modernization goal is accurately set and pilot remodeled, opening a firm prospect to significantly improve the existing underwater operational capabilities of the Navy, and the research on the new nuclear submarine design is in the final stage of examination. It was revealed with pride in the completion of the field, reconnaissance and detection means, and military reconnaissance satellite design, as well as the achievements of national defense research achievements that have enormous significance in making our troops a strong force with the world’s strongest military power.
The report evaluated that the bold leaps made in the defense science and military industry have great significance in the realization of the Party Central’s strategic initiatives to raise our national defense power to the global battlefield while raising the overall Korean revolution.
The report summarized the achievements of great progress in the project to transform the people’s army into the elite and strong military during the period.
Under the leadership of the Party, the People’s Army faithfully carried out its revolutionary duty, exerting dignity and miracles on the two fronts of national protection and socialist construction. They reliably defended the sea, suppressed the threat of provocation from the enemy, and defended the peaceful environment of socialist construction.
During the consensus period, the Party Central Committee brilliantly completed the national nuclear armed forces construction project and brought a great frontier in strengthening national defense, thus making our country a world-class nuclear and military power in name and in reality. The times I heard have ended forever.
Our people and future generations have the dignity not know the ravages of war forever from the country of high river yamalro hangeotyi able nagalsu create prosperity and happiness disposal of reverence Kim Jong-un comrades 7th Central Committee, which entails a deep most significant achieved in Congress decided piercing It is a proud victory.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un summed up the remarkable rise in the external status of the republic during the period in the report.
After achieving the great victory of the Byeongjin-ro Line, the Party Central Committee raised the dignity and status of our nation to a high level by engaging in active external activities.
The external environment surrounding the Republic of Korea during the concluding period was severe since the founding of the country, due to the aggressive offensive of the United States and the desperate pressure blockade of the forces that followed it.
In the worst situation, the Party Central Committee maintained a stronger antagonism of independence, firmly rejected any attempt to violate the country’s highest interests and dignity, and did not give any favor to the revolutionary principle, which infringed upon the sovereignty of the Republic. It was imprinted under all circumstances that there could never be an improvement in relations with us, who were unable to do so and left the respect for sovereignty.
The Party Central Committee created an atmosphere of peace that the international community sympathized with, created an atmosphere of dialogue, and organized swift external activities to raise the international status of the republic through a bold line change and aggressive strategy.
The report shows that our Party has developed a friendly relationship with China in line with the demands of the new century by putting preemptive power in the development of a special relationship between China and China, which has a long historical root. Emphasized.
From the demands of the times to continue fraternal friendship and unity between the two parties of the Joseon Dynasty and the peoples of the two countries, united by one fate inseparable from the struggle for a common cause, By deepening communication and mutual understanding, and strengthening the comradely trust of the two companies, we have prepared a solid guarantee to reinforce and develop the relationship between Korea and China.
In addition, by placing emphasis on the new development of the traditional relationship between the two countries and conducting external activities to develop a friendly and cooperative relationship between the two countries, the foundation laid the foundation for expanding and developing friendly relations with Rossiya.
Through the reunion of the leaders of Pyongyang with Quba and the reunions of the leaders of Hanoi with Yum Nam, the bilateral relationship established and verified in the joint struggle for the realization of the cause of socialism is sublimated into a special comradeship and strategic relationship, thereby enhancing unity and solidarity with socialist countries. It was reinforced exceptionally.
The active external activities conducted by the Party Central Committee greatly demonstrated the position and prestige of our Party and the state, which strongly promoted the socialist cause in the international arena and led a new political flow of independence, justice, and peace.
The Party Central Committee dramatically changed the dynamic relationship between the United States and the United States during the consensus period, demonstrating the dignity and status of our country.
At a direct meeting between the top leaders of the two countries, held for the first time in the history of hostile US-US relations, the Party Central has made a joint declaration to affirm the establishment of a new US-US relations with strong self-determination.
Several summit meetings between the United States and the United States to demonstrate the republic’s strategic position to defend its own interests, peace and justice in the first countries have become a special event in the history of world politics.
Per chonggyeol period, the Central Committee is thorough frequent psychiatric Republic stockpile might speak caves of our people great was the basis of the powers established largely put its strategic position and phase of our republic which the dignity and authority of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the great status of our people Symbolizes
Reports show that the territorial land and the population are not so large, and the fact that a drastic change in the external position of the Republic of Korea, which is encircled by imperialist reactions, has occurred is a noble fruit that our Party and the people have embraced through a prolonged struggle. He stressed that it was a great historical miracle produced by the great unity of the people, who believed and supported the government and policies as absolute truths, and the more difficult and harder they were, the more firmly united in the party .
2. For the breakthrough in socialist construction
It is an important task posed by the 8th Congress to clearly determine the exact direction and mission of the struggle to achieve a ceaseless new victory in socialist construction and to take practical measures for this.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in the second system of the report, presented important tasks for new advancement in the future, focusing on the deficiencies and lessons learned on economic and cultural construction, national defense construction, national social management, and working group business formulation during the period.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un first made a strict and detailed analysis of the implementation of the five-year strategy for national economic development and the new prospect plan.
In the report, the results of the failure to revolutionarily improve the economic business in line with the continuing severe internal and external situation and unexpected challenges overlapping, the growth goals of the national economy, and the failure to achieve clear progress in the improvement of people’s life, are seriously summed up. It was pointed out about the sluggish state in the sector and its cause.
Analyzing the main objective factors influencing the implementation of the five-year strategy for national economic development, first of all, as an objective factor, the consequences of the worst barbaric sanctions and containment measures implemented by the United States and hostile forces were discussed.
In addition, it was analyzed that the severe natural disasters that hit each year and the prolonged global health crisis that occurred last year have become serious obstacles to economic business.
As a result, the report mentioned that the national investments and security projects that were predicted to boost the major economic sectors in the 5-year national economic development strategy were not properly implemented.
The report seriously pointed out that in the case of objective conditions, nothing can be done, the action and role of the subject becomes unnecessary, and it will fall to the conclusion that the revolutionary struggle and construction project cannot be presented unless adverse external factors disappear. The Party Central Committee analyzed and evaluated the cause of the failure to implement the strategy.
The Party Central Committee said that the five-year strategy for national economic development was not clearly established based on scientific calculations and grounds, and science and technology did not play a role in driving the real country’s economic business, and the unreasonable economic business system and order were reorganized and reinforced. It analyzed the situation where the project for the purpose was not properly promoted.
In the report, a general lesson was mentioned that it is impossible to boost the country’s economy at any time with the wrong ideological view, irresponsible business attitude, and incompetence that have been prevalent so far, and with the old-fashioned business method as it is now.
By firmly transforming the entire business of the Party and the state into new innovations, bold creations, and encouraging continual progress, measures are taken to firmly eliminate the old business systems, irrational and ineffective business methods, and obstacles that restrain our progress. Emphasizing that it should be sought, the report stated that only in this way can our struggle for socialist construction, including the future goals of the national economy , become a great revolutionary work that brings practical welfare to the people.
The report clarified the strategy of struggle in the economic field for the next five years.
At this stage, our Party’s economic strategy is a reorganization strategy and a reinforcement strategy, which restores and reorganizes the organic links between the economic business system and sectors, and promotes projects to build an independent foundation to make our economy smooth and smooth without any external influences. It emphasized that the purpose is to put it on a normal orbit in operation.
The overall direction of the Five-Year Plan for National Economic Development is to build a solid foundation for revitalizing the people’s economy and improving people’s lives by concentrating energy on the central link of economic development.
The central task of the new five-year plan is to take the metal industry and the chemical industry as key links, concentrate investment, normalize production in all sectors of the people’s economy, strengthen the material technology base in the agricultural sector, and smooth raw materials and materials in the light industry sector. It was set to increase the production of people’s consumer goods by guaranteeing it.
The report posits a new five-year plan with the aim of advancing to continuous economic growth and marked improvement of people’s lives based on the state and potential of the national economy.
In the new five-year plan, the Cabinet, as the country’s economic headquarters, is responsible for the cabinet responsibility system and the cabinet-centered system for economic projects. With the power of science and technology, it is premised on the premise of promoting normalization of production, modernization of reconstruction, and localization of raw materials and materials, and directing external economic activities to complement and reinforce the foundation and potential of an independent economy.
The new Five-Year Plan reflects the demand to complete the independent structure of the national economy, reduce dependence on income, and stabilize people’s lives, taking into account the practical possibilities.
The basic seeds and theme of the new five-year national economic development plan are still self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
From the demands of our revolutionary development and the desperate demands of socialist construction, self-reliance during the new prospective period must develop into national self-reliance, planned self-reliance, and scientific self-reliance.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un specifically mentioned in the report the current status of major economic sectors and issues related to maintenance development.
In the report, the actual condition and direction of improvement and development of the key industrial sector, which should be promoted in the first place for the general economic development and improvement of the people’s life, that form the basic context of the people’s economy are proposed.
In the metallurgical industry, emphasis was placed on technically completing the Juche iron production system, expanding capacity, and decisively increasing the steel production.
In order to occupy the steel re-production target reflected in the new five-year plan, major steel mills and steel mills converted the existing production processes with advanced technology and built new energy-saving steel furnaces to expand production capacity, revitalize iron ore production, and brown coal in the northern region. It was pointed out on solving the scientific and technological problems to use the pig iron production.
In the report, the direction of development of the country’s core industry, the chemical industry, which is the line of self-reliant economic construction and improvement of people’s living, was mentioned.
The central task of the chemical industry during the new Five-Year Plan period is to advance the project to strengthen its own technological capabilities, to accelerate the project to improve the country’s chemical industry structure, and to significantly increase the production of chemical products necessary for economic construction and people’s living improvement. .
In the chemical industry, the entire process of the struggle to create a subjective chemical industry becomes a process to grasp the name of high-tech technology, and a business that transforms the country’s chemical industry structure into a subject industry based on our raw materials is vigorously launched. You have to push.
In the report, increasing electricity production, which is the basic engine of an independent economy, is proposed as a prerequisite to accelerate economic construction and improve people’s life.
The basic task of the electric power industry during the new Five-Year Plan period is to reliably improve the stable development of the national economy and the people’s material and cultural life by striving to increase production to ensure the immediate demand for electricity. It is collateral.
In the report, plans to focus on the construction of tidal power plants with a mid- to long-term strategy to cope with promising demand and future major objective changes, and to enter into the establishment of the nuclear power industry in earnest were mentioned.
The report highlighted important issues for developing the coal industry, an outpost of independent economic development.
Nationally, the problem of largely developing and aggressively promoting a project that intensively guarantees facilities and materials, labor and funds in the coal industry sector, and the problem of securing more coal mines by conducting exploration and excavation in the coal industry sector. , The problem of putting energy into the development of the bituminous coal industry, the problem of taking the project to improve the working and living conditions of coal workers as a prerequisite for increasing coal production, and establishing measures to effectively use coal. Problems were put forward.
In the report, the machinery industry was defined as an important industrial sector that should lead and lead the overall economic sector, and the current situation and cause of the country’s machinery industry were identified, followed by the immediate development direction.
The basic task of the machinery industry during the new five-year plan is to make the country’s machinery industry a solid industry and turn it into a development-creative industry.
In the machinery industry sector, modern and efficient mechanical products, including machine tools, wheel electric machines, construction machines, electric machines, harvesting machines, and fluid machines, should be actively developed and produced.
The report emphasized the importance and promotion of the harvesting industry for the normal development of the national economy.
The basic task of the extraction industry is to reinforce and expand the productive base during the new five-year plan and to meet the basic needs of the people’s economy for non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals.
To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of the geological exploration sector, promote the project to develop and utilize the country’s underground resources in a unified and effective manner, and expand the production capacity of mines, smelters and factories in the mining industry.
The report emphasized on the balance between log production and forest creation in the forestry sector, strengthening its own material and technological foundation, and ensuring the smooth demand for logs in the people’s economy.
The direction of development by sector of the key industries proposed in the Business Summary Report further strengthened the potential and power of the self-reliant economy, revealing a scientific and innovative path to powerfully lead the overall economic construction, and driving the continued development of the economy under any conditions and circumstances. It is to have a firm policy security that can be done.
In the report, the current status of the transport sector and tasks for clear improvement were mentioned.
The basic goal of the railway transportation sector during the new five-year plan is to actively promote railway modernization and revolutionize the transportation business to ensure smooth demand for railway transportation.
In the railroad transport sector, it is necessary to ensure the safety of railroad tracks, increase the weight, extend the standard railroad section, and push forward with plans and stubbornness in the project to rebuild all railroad tracks.
At the same time, it is necessary to accelerate the technological reform of the Pyongyang subway line and the modernization of the Pyongyang subway station, and decisively raise the level of management and operation of the subway line.
In the offshore shipping sector, tasks have been raised to relieve the tension of transportation by continuing to break down large-sized cargo ships in line with the global development trend of shipbuilding technology, to establish an integrated vehicle transport management system, and to realize informationization of transport commands.
New underground electric vehicles, trolleybuses, tramways, passenger buses, and other public transportation means should be produced more to promote the convenience of the people.
In the report, the breakthrough development and achievements achieved in the construction sector during the concluding period were evaluated, a series of biases were pointed out, and new tasks and goals were raised.
The basic task ahead of the construction sector during the new five-year plan is to carry out the basic construction, including the construction of houses and houses, to provide people with more civilized living conditions and to renovate the face of the country.
In the construction sector, the two fronts of industrial construction to strengthen the country’s economic foundation and construction to guarantee the material and cultural demands of the people must be pushed together with force.
In the construction sector, by concentrating efforts on the construction of 50,000 households in Pyongyang City, an annual plan was established to build 10,000 households each year from this year. shall.
In the Geomdeok District, which is one of the leading colored mineral production bases and home to a large troop of working class, it is necessary to build a mining town that does not exist in the world by constructing 25,000,000 households.
Specialized construction units must be strongly assembled, and construction equipment and tools required by construction machinery factories must be actively developed and produced.
The report raised tasks to further develop the building materials industry to meet the realistic demands that construction is progressing at an unprecedented pace.
The basic task of the construction materials industry during the new five-year plan is to capture the 80 million tons of cement and realize self-sufficiency of finished construction materials.
In addition to modern rebuilding of existing cement factories, the country’s cement production capacity should be further expanded by constructing new cement factories with high capacity and advanced technology in regions with favorable raw material conditions, power conditions and transportation conditions.
Along with struggling to satisfy the finishing materials that determine the aspect of the building with domestic production, we need to build a base for producing lacquer and exterior materials based on our raw materials more robustly, improve the quality, and develop roof material production technology.
In accordance with the global architectural development trend, the building materials production preparations necessary to build a large number of Ryeongcarbon and Ryeongenergi buildings are predictably and steadfastly promoted, and various building materials production bases based on local raw materials in the provinces are practically built and various building materials are provided. You have to produce a lot.
The report presented the task of achieving ceaseless leap and innovation by actively responding to the demands of the times.
In the telecom sector, it is imperative to accelerate technological renewal of the communication infrastructure, develop mobile communication technology, and quickly move to the next generation of communication.
Cable broadcasting and television broadcasting systems should be improved, their technical level should be raised to a higher level, and sufficient conditions should be provided for the people to enjoy a better cultural and emotional life everywhere from cities to the Doume Valley.
The report presupposes that the development of the state film industry and the saving of the socialist character of supply and convenience service is a very urgent issue at the present time, and aims to restore our commerce to the people’s service activities, which are indisputable in name and in order to guarantee people’s lives and promote material welfare. Tasks were raised.
The important task that Korean commerce must solve at this time is to restore the state’s leading role and control and control in the overall commercial service activities, and to revive the essence of socialist commerce serving the people.
The commercial service units must create a new socialist service culture of our own by embodying people’s, cultural, modern, and diversity in commercial service activities with the right management strategy.
The report raised the national land management and ecological environment protection projects as important milestones to protect the lives and health of the people and make the motherland mountain stream more beautiful, and as strategic projects related to the future of the country.
The task presented in front of the land sector during the new Five-Year Plan period is to eagerly push forward a project that transforms the whole country into a socialist landscape and into the Geumsugang Mountain during the Labor Party era by bringing decisive advances in land construction and ecological environment protection.
Survey and control of the overall actual condition of the ecological environment including forests, and responding accurately and promptly according to the results of analysis of changes by season and year, issues of immediately enacting and strictly implementing laws and regulations and bylaws related to the protection of the land environment, and forestry The problem of preventing natural disasters in advance by putting efforts into flood control projects, the problem of continuing to put great effort into road construction and management, and the construction of east and west coasts nationally, to protect people’s life safety and land, and to protect the country’s coastal lines Problems of renovating to suit body hair were pointed out.
In the report, the importance of urban management business, which is directly connected to the lives of the people from one to ten, was emphasized, and relevant tasks were proposed.
In the urban management sector, it is necessary to establish strong house repair measures, expand drinking water production capacity, improve its quality, and eliminate environmental pollution by installing new sewage treatment facilities.
The level of garden design should be increased decisively, parks and amusement parks should be decorated beautifully, and the appearance of the city should be renewed by harmonious arrangement of trees, flowers and ground cover plants with good species.
In the report, based on a close analysis of the actual state of foreign economic projects, the main objective conditions of the country, and the environment, directional issues were raised about establishing a scientific strategy in the external economic sector and developing the foreign economic projects in a destination-oriented way.
The report raised the vitalization of tourism business as an important project to make our people enjoy a more civilized life and to show the changing state of our country to the world.
It is necessary to better organize tourism targets, improve the method of advertising and promote tourism, and organize tourism routes and guides in various ways.
The Geumgangsan area must be transformed into a modern cultural tourist destination of our own style.
The task was presented to remove all the facilities including the Haegeumgang Hotel at the pier of Goseong Port, and to erect typical Korean-style buildings that match the beautiful natural scenery of Mt. Geumgang and fit the sentiment and aesthetics of our people.
In accordance with the Geumgangsan Tourism District Total Development Plan, a project to uniquely manage the Goseong Port Coastal Tourism District, the Birobong Mountain Tourism District, the Haegeum River Coastal Park District, and the Sports Culture District should be carried out year by year and step by step during the new five-year plan period.
In the report, the task to improve economic management was mentioned as important.
Our national economy is an independent economy, a planned economy, and an economy serving the people.
In order to reinforce the independence, planning, and people of the national economy, it is necessary to realize the unified management of products on the principle of enhancing the economic organizer function of the state and making the results of economic work return to the welfare of the people.
The fundamental demand and fundamental direction for the improvement of socialist economic management is to put the popular masses as the master of society at the center and prioritize the demands and interests of the people.
It also emphasized that cost reduction and quality improvement should be taken as the basis for economic management improvement.
National economic guidance organs must make substantial efforts to reorganize and reinforce the economy based on the fundamental demand and fundamental direction of socialist economic management improvement.
In the report, the discipline for realizing the unified guidance of the country on economic projects will be established, the national unified statistical system will be strengthened, the project will be properly carried out to enhance the status of the national economy, and the management conditions of factories and enterprises will be improved. Was mentioned.
In order to increase economic efficiency in the entire people’s economic range, the productive forces should be rationally rearranged, weak links in economic sectors should be identified, and sectors desperate for balanced economic development should be reinforced.
It is necessary to manage the economy rationally by improving planned projects and using economic spaces, including finances, finances, and prices.
The scientific analysis and clear policy on the current status and development of major economic sectors stated in the report solidify the material and technological foundation of the self-reliant economy and enable economic construction to be promoted systematically and stably regardless of changes in external environment. It becomes a powerful practical weapon.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un , in the report, affirmed the firm determination of our Party to make a breakthrough in solving the people’s dietary order problem during the new Five-Year Plan and to achieve practical change and innovation that the people can feel as a result.
In the report, proactive measures were proposed to conclusively solve the food and eating problems of the people by promoting agricultural production.
The central goal of the five-year plan ahead of the agricultural sector is to unconditionally occupy the grain hills that the Party has already proposed, and to lay the material and technological foundation for the sustainable development of agriculture.
In order to increase agricultural production, the seed revolution, scientific farming, increasing production in low-harvest areas, finding new land and clearing tidal flats, developing agriculture, livestock, and fruit trees, and the repairing and mechanization of rural finance should be taken as important strategic tasks. do.
In the report, policy issues were emphasized in establishing scientific and technological measures and material technology foundations to safely promote agricultural production under any unfavorable weather conditions, raising the enthusiasm for production of agricultural workers, and strengthening national support for rural areas.
The major goals presented in the agricultural sector are important national issues that must be achieved at any cost in order to realize food self-sufficiency and accelerate socialist construction.
The report mentioned the importance and direction of development of light industry, which occupies an absolute share in providing the people with a surviving and civilized life.
In the light industry, the task of taking the localization and recycling of raw materials as the lifeline of raw materials as a lifeline, advancing modernization, reinforcing the weak parts and processes, and equipping the parts and processes that do not have them, was presented.
In addition, the issue of enhancing the quality of products and putting efforts into the development of new products was emphasized in the principle of good quality.
The report identified the fisheries sector as one of the three major sectors directly related to the people’s diet.
In the fishery sector, it is necessary to modernize fishing vessels and fishing gear, to scientifically cultivate fish, and to establish strong fisheries establishments and ship repair stations.
It is necessary to systematically increase the production of aquatic products by carrying out the project to protect and proliferate the country’s fishery resources in a systematic manner and by conducting a large-scale aquaculture and aquaculture.
In the report, important policy issues for independent and multilateral development of cities and counties were presented.
Building a revolutionary position based on cities and counties, promoting rural finance, local economic development, and people’s living improvement are the strategic policies that our Party consistently maintains in socialist construction.
The cities and counties are the terminal executive units of our Party policy, are the regional bases that guide rural accounting and local economy, and are powerful bastions that support the overall development of the country.
The overall goal of reinforcing cities and counties as stated in the report is to make all cities and counties a strategic base of a civilized and strong socialist state and a developed region with its own characteristics.
The cities and counties must realistically set development strategies and prospective goals in line with their regional characteristics, and implement them purposefully, intentionally, and stubbornly every year.
We must raise the slogan “Toward a new victory!” and put our efforts into the construction of socialist rural communities to achieve a unique rural cultural development and a new development of our own style.
The prospective goal of rural construction is to accelerate the three revolutions in rural areas and thoroughly implement the socialist rural thesis to eliminate the difference between working class and farmers, between industry and agriculture, and between urban and rural areas. The task at hand is to revolutionize agricultural workers, It is to put forward a project to classify the working class, reinforce national support for rural areas, and build rural villages in a balanced way so that local characteristics are revived.
The report emphasized the issue of distributing party and national attention to strengthening the rural core position.
It was raised as a consistent policy requirement to develop the local economy by using the local raw materials and materials to suit the characteristics of the region.
At the same time, he pointed out that it is necessary to put great effort into improving urban management, forestry, and environmental protection projects by pushing ahead with projects that renovate the face of cities and counties.
In the report, the task of becoming a strong driver for city, county party committees, and people’s committees to lead the development of their region, hostess of city and county, and Australia, who is responsible for the people’s life in their region, was raised.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un solemnly declared a revolutionary stand for continuing to strengthen the national defense, which is the cornerstone of the country’s existence, the dignity and security of the country and the people, and the reliable guarantee of peace.
The report shows that the governments of our Party and the Republic exerted their best efforts and utmost patience to prevent intensifying regional tensions from the commitment to guarantee peace and security in the Korean Peninsula and the world, but the US counter-shipment dash policy was not weakened, but rather more. It was analyzed that it became severe.
There is nothing more stupid and dangerous than staying in peace without constantly developing one’s own strength even while seeing the increasing number of advanced weapons targeting our country.
The reality shows that only when the national defense power is strengthened without congestion for an instant, it is possible to suppress the US military threat and achieve peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.
The report emphasized that strong national defense power does not exclude diplomacy, but drives in the right direction and becomes a powerful means of securing its achievements. I did.
As long as imperialism remains on the planet and the danger of aggression and war by hostile forces against our country continues, the historical mission of our revolutionary armed forces will never change, and our national defense capabilities must be constantly strengthened along the path of new development.
Reportedly , it is an important task for the People’s Army to take the anger of the former army, Kim Il – sung and Kim Jong – il , as the overall mission of military construction, and to prepare more solidly as a revolutionary party united with Korean labor, as a modern modern military, and a reliable guardian of our state and people. Presented.
In the report, the core initiatives and important strategic tasks for remarkably strengthening and developing the defense industry were mentioned.
By further enhancing nuclear technology, miniaturization of nuclear weapons and further development of tactical weapons, the development of tactical nuclear weapons that can be applied as different means depending on the purpose of the operational mission and the target of strike in modern warfare, and the production of super-large nuclear warheads are continuously pushed forward. As a result, various military threats in the Korean peninsula, which are inevitably accompanied by nuclear threats, must be maintained and thoroughly suppressed and controlled and managed.
Along with this, a goal was proposed to enhance the nuclear preemptive and retaliatory strike capabilities by further enhancing the accuracy rate of accurately hitting and destroying random strategic targets within the range of 10,000 and 100 km.
The task of developing and introducing the hypersonic glide combat unit within the near period, as well as the project of developing an intercontinental ballistic rocket with underwater and ground solids as planned, and enhancing nuclear long-range strike capability, have important significance in improving nuclear submarines and underwater launch nuclear strategic weapons. The task of retaining was assumed.
It was also mentioned that the most important research project to develop reconnaissance means, including unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, that can operate military reconnaissance satellites within the near period to secure reconnaissance information gathering capability, and can perform detailed reconnaissance up to 50 km forward, was also mentioned.
The report stipulates that the advancement of defense science and technology, further research and development of advanced weapons and combat technology equipment, and the rapid development of the people’s army from the conventional structure to the advanced and elite military is a basic task ahead of the current defense science sector.
The realization of intelligence, precision, unmannedness, high performance, and weight reduction of armed equipment should be set as the core goals of the military industry, and research and development projects should be directed here.
In the report, the in-depth task of completing the preparation for the civil war, an important project that can never be neglected in strengthening the national defense capability, was mentioned.
The major tasks for reinforcing the national defense, raised in the report, are forever resolving the vicious circle of war borders and mitigation, dialogue and tension in this land, and hostility in a situation where the international balance of power is being destroyed by the reckless increase of armaments of the United States and hostile forces. It is an expression of the iron’s belief and will to continuously strengthen the country’s military strength until the words of threats and blackmail from the forces are over.
In the report, dear Comrade Kim Jong-un raised the tasks of promoting the development of science and technology to confidently open the way for self-reliance and self-prosperity.
The report defines science and technology development as a core task in socialist construction, the best strategy, and comprehensively analyzes the biases introduced in the process of implementing the science and technology oriented line, and each section to be achieved during the new five-year plan period. The science and technology development goals and implementation strategies of
In the implementation of the new five-year plan for national economic development, we must actively solve the urgent scientific and technological problems and promote the development of key and advanced high-tech technologies.
It is necessary to steadily push forward the project to establish the political, national and administrative guidance and management system for the development of science and technology, share scientific research results with each other, and realize the humanization of the whole people of science and technology.
In his report, dear Comrade Kim Jong-un pointed out the achievements, experiences, defects, and lessons achieved in the construction of socialist culture during the concluding period.
It is our party’s grand goal and ideal to lead the people into our own civilization in the new century by preparing a new period of invasion of socialist culture.
In the report, education, health, literary arts, publications, and physical education, which play an important role in cultivating all members of society into powerful beings, adding vitality to the advancing revolution, and successfully advancing socialist construction This was analyzed and evaluated.
The overall goal of education for making education an education that can trust our future is mentioned again, and the educational development goals and specific tasks to transform our country into an educational and talented country by forcefully advancing the educational revolution of the new century. It was supposed.
In the secondary and tertiary education sector, the contents and methods of education and the teaching management system should be constantly updated in accordance with the development trend of modern education and pedagogical needs, and projects to improve the competence and qualities of teachers who are in charge of the educational revolution should be carried out in a methodological manner.
Nationally, investment and support in the education sector should be strengthened, and projects to renovate educational conditions and environment, including school construction, should be carried out vigorously.
In the report, specific plans to develop socialist health into the superior and advanced people’s health and provide better medical benefits to the people were mentioned.
In the health sector, the project to rebuild treatment and prevention institutions and pharmaceutical and medical equipment factories should be carried out in a substantial manner, and the health workers should establish a solid quarantine and establish a strong quarantine base to cope with any global health crisis.
The report also seriously analyzed the business of literature and art during the concluding period and raised tasks to unfold a new era of Juche literature and art by making a major revolution in all fronts of literature and art.
Creative leaders, creators, and artists in the literary arts sector create excellent works that embody subjectivity, ethnicity, and modernity by exerting a high perspective and progressive business spirit, actively engaging in special performance activities, and conducting post-raising projects with the right system and development strategy. With clear development goals, it is necessary to proceed with a destination-oriented and prospective way.
In the publishing and reporting sector, in accordance with the demands of the new upheaval and heightened period of socialist construction, a new newspaper revolution, news revolution, broadcasting revolution, and publishing revolution are ignited, and the essence of the ideas, lines, and policies presented by the Party Congress is deeply planted in the whole people. The task of bringing our country into the ranks of advanced sports nations with drastic efforts in accordance with the authority and position of our nation with high dignity in the sports sector was raised by vigorously conducting a general uprising, a press exhibition to trigger the party congress, and a press exhibition to trigger the party congress. It was done.
The innovative directions of socialist culture construction reflect the grand concept of creating a new Korean-style civilization by taking the achievements, experiences, defects, and lessons achieved during the concluding period as a foothold for advancement and leap forward, and by creating a revolutionary revolution in all areas of socialist culture.
The report aims to wipe out the phenomena of non-socialism and anti-socialism, and push out the project to thoroughly establish a socialist lifestyle in the whole country as a whole-party, nationwide, and whole-social project, so that a revolutionary transformation takes place in the sphere of people’s mental and moral life. The problem was mentioned as important.
The whole people must firmly hold their belief in socialism, their love and faith in their own, create and develop a new life of our own noble and civilized life, and strongly develop popular struggles against phenomena contrary to the socialist lifestyle.
In the report, Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un suggested the task of further solidifying and developing the national social system in accordance with the reality that the status of our republic is rapidly increasing and the revolution is taking a new stage.
The report reinforces the national character in accordance with the essential characteristics of our socialist system, realizes unified, scientific, and strategic management, thoroughly establishes a revolutionary compliance spirit in the whole society in accordance with the demands of the construction of a state under the rule of socialism, judicial prosecutors, and social safety. In the meantime, it emphasized the issue of fulfilling the sacred missions and responsibilities of institutional, policy, and people’s protection as reliable guardians of the socialist system.
In the report, dear Comrade Kim Jong-un raised important tasks to reinforce the party’s humanitarian and suburban working group organizations with powerful political and socialist construction forces.
In the report, it was emphasized that the organizations of working organizations should take the alliance’s internal business as an arrangement in line with their duty as an ideological and cultural organization, and to firmly arm the alliance with the Party’s revolutionary ideology, and in particular, to prepare the youth alliance as the party’s shifters and candidates.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un ‘s report , which clarified the course of the epoch-making progress of socialist construction, is the next step by cultivating the superiority and power of Korean-style socialism in the entire national project including economy, defense, science and technology and cultural construction under the established situation. It becomes a combative banner that encourages powerfully to a new victory.
3. For the independent reunification of the motherland and the development of foreign relations
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un mentioned important issues for the independent reunification of the motherland and the development of foreign relations in the third system of the report.
The report considered the issues toward South Korea in accordance with the situation that was created and the needs of the times changed, and clarified the principle stand of our Party for North-South relations.
As pointed out in the report, the Korean people are now at a critical crossroads as to whether they are going on the path of peace and reunification by resolving the serious stalemate in North-South relations, or continuing to suffer division in the midst of a vicious circle of confrontation and the danger of war.
It is not an exaggeration to say that the current state of North-South relations has returned to the period before the announcement of the Panmunjom Declaration, and the dream of unification is farther away.
In South Korea, military hostilities and anti-Republican riots continue to intensify the situation on the Korean peninsula, and the prospect of improving North-South relations is uncertain.
The report concluded that the current cold phase of North-South relations is not a problem that can only be solved by one side’s efforts and will not be resolved by itself over time, and if we truly wish for peace and unification of the country and think of the fate of the nation and the future of future generations, this He emphasized that the severe situation should no longer be put on guard, and active measures should be taken to resolve and improve the current North-South relations, which are facing catastrophe.
The report stated the principle stand for North-South relations as follows.
We must have a stand and attitude to solve the fundamental problems in North-South relations, stop any hostilities against the other party, treat the North-South Declarations heavily and faithfully carry out the declaration.
The report pointed out the main reason that the North-South relations, which had developed well in the past period, froze at one time and returned to the confrontation situation.
Currently, the South Korean authorities are bringing out non-essential issues such as quarantine cooperation, humanitarian cooperation, and individual tourism, giving the impression that they are interested in improving North-South relations.
It is struggling against the North-South agreement to ensure peace and military stability on the Korean peninsula, continuing to ignore our repeated warnings that the import of advanced military equipment and the suspension of joint military exercises with the US.
In addition, they are becoming more frenzied with modernization of armed forces, believing that they are “provocation” about various commercial weapons development projects that belong to our fair sovereignty.
If the South Korean authorities are to challenge this, they need to accelerate their efforts to acquire advanced military assets and develop missiles that are more accurate, powerful, and fly farther than ballistic missiles and cruise missiles already possessed. The remarks made by the incumbent who said that they had developed a ballistic missile equipped with a ballistic missile should be explained first, and the purpose and true intentions of the continued high-tech attack equipment should be convincingly explained.
The report sternly warned that if the South Korean authorities have a dual and impartial view of accidents and continue to drive us away with “provocation” or anything, we will inevitably be forced to deal with South Korea differently.
When the South Korean authorities strictly manage and fundamentally eliminate abnormal and anti-unification behaviors, a new path will be opened to improve North-South relations based on solid trust and reconciliation.
Whether or not North-South relations are restored and revitalized depends entirely on the attitude of the South Korean authorities, and the price is paid for as much as for what they have worked on.
The report emphasized that there is no need to show goodwill unilaterally to the South Korean authorities at the present time as before, and as much as responding to our legitimate demands, we must deal with as much as we move to carry out the North-South Agreements.
The report analyzed that, depending on the attitude of the South Korean authorities, North-South relations could return to a new starting point for peace and prosperity in the near future, as in the spring days of three years ago, according to the wishes of the Korean people.
In the report, dear Comrade Kim Jong-un declared the overall direction and policy stand of our Party to expand and develop external relations in a full scale.
The report in-depth analyzes the current international situation and the external environment of the Republic of Korea.
The main summation and conclusion of our party’s external activities during the consensus period is that we must consistently maintain a strategy of confronting hostile forces and powerful nations wielding power.
The report affirms this and stipulates that, in accordance with the strategic position of our country, external relations are fully expanded and developed to secure socialist construction reliably in a political and diplomatic manner as the overall direction of the current external business.
From here, the report clarified the principle issues to be maintained in the external business sector.
We must hold our Party’s dignity and national prestige, and defend national interests as the foremost mission of the Republic’s diplomacy, and firmly adhere to the principle of independence in external activities.
Diplomatic warfare must be aggressively launched to protect the normal right of development of our country by destroying the tactics of hostile forces to invade our sovereignty.
Foreign political activities should be focused and directed on subduing and subduing the US, the largest main enemy, the basic obstacle to the development of our revolution.
The report pointed out that no matter who is in power in the United States, the substance of the United States and the true spirit of the Daejeon Line policy never change, emphasizing that the foreign business sector should strategically establish a strategy toward the United States and continue to expand ties with anti-disciples.
In addition, he mentioned the problem of strengthening the role of the foreign propaganda sector, destroying the reactionary offensive of the enemy and raising the state of the country.
The report further expands and develops relations with socialist countries in the external business sector, strengthens unity and cooperation with revolutionary parties and progressive parties that aim for independence, and boldly unfolds anti-providing struggles on a global scale. He pointed out that it would be more advantageous to transform it.
In the report, the firm’s determination to securely defend the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and the world was expressed.
No country on this planet is constantly threatened with war like ours, and our people’s longing for peace is very strong.
The reason we stock up and constantly strengthen the strongest war deterrent is to protect ourselves and to open an era of true peace without war forever.
As our national defense power has risen to a level that can preemptively subdue the threats of hostile forces outside the territorial territory, the political intensification of the Korean peninsula will soon lead to security instability of the forces that threaten us.
The report stated that the key to establishing a new US-US relations was that the US withdrew its counter-shipment dash policy.
We also reaffirmed that our Republic, as a responsible nuclear power, will not abuse nuclear weapons unless invasive hostile forces try to use it against us.
In the report on the Central Committee of the Party, the external authority and international influence of the Republic of Korea during the new general meeting period was clarified by reinforcing friendly solidarity with all countries that respect our sovereignty and realizing true international justice. Strategic and tactical guidelines have been prepared that can be further enhanced.
4. For the strengthening and development of our business
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un, in the fourth part of the report, summarized the achievements achieved in the project for strengthening development of the party during the general meeting, and suggested tasks and strategies to improve and strengthen the company’s business to meet the needs of the times and actual development.
The report evaluated that the fact that the Party Central’s unique leadership system was firmly established, the Party’s combat power and leadership power were remarkably strengthened, and the overall and detailed improvement of the Party’s foundation was a valuable achievement in the company’s business during the consensus period.
The report also emphasized the fact that our Party has been faithful to its mission and mission with the popular mass firstism as its political concept.
This is the main summation and valuable experience of our company’s business for the past five years, with the fact that we can always triumphantly lead the cause of socialist construction in the absolute trust of the people, no matter what obstacles and obstacles intervene when the Party’s fighting power and leadership are constantly increased. .
In the report, important tasks and strategies to bring about fundamental innovation in our business were mentioned as our revolution enters a new generator, a leap forward.
The first task was to take the initiative to establish the Party Central’s unique leadership system and continue to deepen it.
As mentioned in the report, the party organizations and workers must absolute the authority of the Party’s central authority anytime, anywhere, and must stand up to the fullest and engage in a non-compromising struggle without contemplating even the smallest elements contrary to it.
The party’s leadership achievements are to be defended and carried out consistently, and in particular, leadership achievements and local leadership units must be well established, and the party’s policy implementation should be an example.
Party organizations should formulate an organizational project and a consolidation project for the implementation of the Party’s policies and carry out thoroughly.
The report assumed that it was an important task to make the internal work of the Party substantive, and to strengthen the unity of the Party and the revolutionaries in one heart.
In the report, the basic core power of the Party, the main force is to put the main force to solidify the ranks of executives who are members of the leadership of the revolution, and to constantly strengthen education and control so that the executives are not ideologically altered. It was emphasized on the qualitative consolidation of the party line by following the principles of
In addition, in order to continue to strengthen the party’s base organization, the elementary party and the party cell, and to take the party life organization and guidance as the basic link of the company’s business, and to make it substantive. I mentioned that it would be more firmly tied up.
Our commercial business is one of the basic duties of the party leading the revolution and is an important business that should not be missed for a period of time leading the revolution and construction.
The report raises the task of thorough adherence to the unique management principle in our commercial business, overcoming the persistent defects inherent in the winning division, and fundamentally improving the format and method of the ideological education project to meet the needs of actual development. I did.
The report mentions the task of reinforcing party leadership and policy guidance on the revolution and construction, and the issue of establishing a party committee, which is the political staff of the unit, and enhancing its role. The issue of establishing a revolutionary spirit to be enforced, and the issue of resolving all the issues raised by the party organizations thoroughly guarding against administrative agency and Chumiism, through the party method and the political method were emphasized.
The report raised measures to bring about fundamental improvement in our business.
First of all, it is necessary to improve the unreasonable business circles and methods to meet the demands of real-life development, and also to raise the ideology of the immigration crisis of our Party and transform our business into a pro-people and pro-realistic business.
It is an important idea presented in the report that the more pro-popularity and pro-reality are truly embodied in our business, the more the Hall will approach truth and truth, and the fighting power of our Party will be multiplied.
The report emphasized once again that the targets that should be the most vigilant and the first target of struggle for our party at this time were power, bureaucracy, and corruption, and mentioned the issue of the party organizations’ incomprehensible struggle with the trivial elements. .
The report emphasized that reinforcing criticism, ideological struggles, and learning in the party, thorough establishment of revolutionary disciplines that work according to their function, and decisively raising the level and ability of the soldiers on the day are a way to improve the company’s business.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un , at the end of the report, through the report on the Central Committee’s project, the achievements and defects achieved in our business, their causes and lessons, will gain in-depth awareness of the future direction of the struggle and specific strategies. He mentioned that it was possible to establish strategic and tactical policies based on a common view through collective discussion.
That reverence un Comrade prices expressed expect all delegates will be discussing our study of the content and issues raised by ripgak the party leadership thought to have a high dangjeok responsibly depth the great President Kim Il Sung – Kim Jong Il’s attention firmly on the central Duri party held high the banner He appealed earnestly to unite and fight vigorously for a new leap and victory in socialist construction, for our great nation, and for our great people.
Said the programmatic guidelines naseoneun deseo boosting the party and the overall business of the revolution to the new lift across the board for Dear Kim Jong-un comrades to see the historical is was provokes the full support and assent of all attendees, we Equation victory of the socialist cause He is confidently committed to advancing enemies and prosperous evangelism.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un at the 8th Congress of the Party Central Committee’s 7th Project Summary Report is a monument to immortality during the sacred period of the Workers’ Party of Korea, leading the Juche Revolution to the brightest path of victory and glory with great ideas and leadership. It will shine endlessly.
The details of the 7th Project Summary Report of the Central Committee of the Korean Workers’ Party by my dear Comrade Kim Jong-un will be passed on to the organizations at all levels of the party in an internal copy.


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