Trump is fading on social media: Chinese netizens

Trump is fading on social media: Chinese netizens

Descriptions that US President Donald Trump is “half-dead, or dying on social media” were widely shared by Chinese netizens on Friday, who believe  Trump’s Twitter and Facebook accounts will eventually be permanently banned after he turns over power to Joe Biden.

“Dying on social media” is a buzz phrase in China in 2020.

Chinese netizens regrettably and amusingly said the soap opera of Trump and his administration would reach their final episode if American social media ban him permanently, which is only a matter of time.

Some said half-jokingly that Trump can move his social media life to Chinese social media platforms such as TikTok. “He will be among the most popular comic stars on the Chinese social media platform,” some said.

A spokesperson for Twitter warned Trump that any future violations of Twitter rules will result in “permanent suspension” of his accounts, although Trump restored his account late Thursday after being locked out for 12 hours.

On Wednesday, the president was also suspended from Facebook and Instagram, and the suspension will be reviewed after the power transition to Joe Biden on January 20.

Trump posted his first tweet after the 12-hour suspension, refraining himself from inciting a riot or false claim of vote fraud, but many Twitter users said it’s “too late and too little.”

Chinese netizens said even if Trump has temporarily restored his Twitter account, he is never a netizen playing by the rules, and further violating Twitter rules was only a matter of time.

“Banning him from posting on social media probably is more deadly for him than losing tens of thousands of Americans. This is actually letting him die on social media,” a Chinese netizen said.

Some netizens believe banning Trump permanently is also a great opportunity for American social media to respond to questions on content supervision.

Although no data is available on how much of Twitter’s profits came from Trump or whether Trump earned money through tweeting, Chinese analysts said the two used each other for their own interests.

Twitter used Trump to gain clicks and profit, while Trump used Twitter for his political purpose, Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times on Friday.

Lü said Trump is very likely to be banned permanently by American social media, and he should have been banned long ago due to the serious social harm caused by his messages.

Twitter’s requirement for political figures should be higher and harsher than for ordinary netizens due to their huge influence, but what Twitter has been doing is giving him privilege and tolerating him for his improper tweets, Lü said.

“Trump may not just receive a social media ban but face trials or even a prison term for fraud,” Lü said.

US President Donald Trump. /Xinhua


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