solidarity to the Kashmiri people for the self-determination and protection of human rights

A press release issued by the Greater Nepal Nationalist Front demanding the implementation of the referendum resolution adopted by the United Nations on January 5, 1949 for the self-determination and protection of human rights of the Kashmiri people.

The Greater Nepal Nationalist Front, since from its establishment, has been protesting against colonialism anywhere in the world and has been protesting against India’s colonization of 60,000 to 100,000 square kilometers of Nepali land since August 15, 1947 and GNNF has been continuously demanding its land return to India. In this regard, the GNNF in March 2018 at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, said that the people of Nepali territory were not able to enjoy basic human rights because of India’s Colonization which is a violation of human rights and requested the international community to pressure India so as to stop its Colonization in Nepal’s territory. At the same time, during a discussion at the United Nations in Geneva, Morocco ignored colonization of the Western Sahara, ignoring the International Court of Justice’s interpretation of “Western Sahara is not the jurisdiction of any other country” on October 16, 1975. The GNNF also expressed solidarity to make its voice heard.
Today on 5th January, we remember the protocol of January 5, 1949, on which the United Nations Commission (UNCIP) passed a free and fearless referendum in Jammu and Kashmir to protect the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people who have been subjected to extreme human rights abuses in the struggle against the India. Greater Nepal Nationalist Front express serious concern over the horrific suffering of the Kashmiri people by violating the privileges of the Kashmiri people where instead India removed the Constitutional provisions of Articles 370 and 35 (a) of the Constitution instead of implementing the resolution. GNNF urged the United Nations to implement the resolution immediately.

Phanindra Nepal
Greater Nepal Nationalist Front (GNNF)
Date: 2077-09-21
5 january , 2021


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