Presence of external forces in Nepal


The presence of external forces in Nepal is abundant in the political, economic, cultural, military and social spheres. Although foreign intervention has been on the rise since the Rana regime, it has been felt that it has become very tense in the latter part of the Panchayat period. Stakeholders have repeatedly acknowledged that foreign intervention has created an environment for political change. It is as clear as the crystal.

The United States had sought to give Nepal a central role in the Indo-Pacific Strategy while seeking India’s withdrawal from the US. India, well aware that the US was bargaining with them, had persuaded Prachanda to oppose the MCC through RAW. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) could not be passed by the Parliament of Nepal due to protests from within the NCP (NCP). India, which has been reluctant to be a partner in the US-led Indo-Pacific strategy, has agreed to become a legal member of the IPS. Meanwhile, the last BECA agreement was signed between India and the United States. The Energy Minister of the current government, which has been restructured and expanded after the Dahal-Nepal faction left, has expressed the view that the assistance under the MCC should be accepted while assuming office. Foreign intervention was not limited to the political sphere. It also affected Nepal’s military. In particular, the CIA’s influence in Nepal’s administration, security, defense, and intelligence spheres seems to be seen. In the last period of the Panchayat period, the Indian intelligence agency RAW has expanded its influence in the Nepal Army as well. After RAW started giving expensive gifts including houses to the generals of the Nepal Army in Gurgaon, India, the Nepal Army has become comfortable for the Indians. After RAW started giving houses as gifts to high-ranking officers of the Nepal Army, the CIA started giving DV, Green Cards and jobs after retirement to high-ranking officers of the Nepal Army, high-ranking officers of the Nepal Police, high-ranking officials of the National Investigation Department and bureaucrats and their families. Most secretaries of the Government of Nepal, high-ranking officials, and officers of the Nepal Army, Nepal Police and the Department of Investigation have DVs, green cards and job guarantees in the United States. As a result, they follow the policy guidelines of the US government rather than the policy guidelines of the Government of Nepal. A strong example of this is the current Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. The US Green Berets has been active in the northern part of Nepal since last September in the name of a joint military exercise.

In addition, Nepali citizens have been given DV, green card and attractive employment in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Norway and other countries. In other words, Nepalese can easily get a job if they want to go to those countries. In the southern neighbor India, Nepalese youths have been openly going for jobs in the Indian Gurkha Army since long. More than four million people have got employment. However, China, its northern neighbor, has not provided such opportunities for Nepalese. Countries including India and the United States, on the recommendation of their Nepalese friends, have offered scholarships for higher education, visas, employment and other opportunities. Due to which Nepal is comfortable and positive for them.

As China has adopted a policy of non-interference in Nepal’s internal affairs, public confidence in it is high. However, it is true that China is failed to help, support and protect its patriots and pro-China supporters in Nepal. Although all the political parties and their leaders have publicly expressed their commitment to one-China policy, it is not seen in practice. According to them, no matter how much s/he opposes China, China helps and supports those who reach to power. Those outside the government understand that China does not support any assistance for them. While supporting China, it does not provide opportunities, nor does it provide assistance, nor does China offer any programs at the grassroots level, nor does it provide jobs in China, like India in the military. So why support China? Such arguments and ideas are prevalent in the minds of the people. Most Nepalese politicians also have enough complaints. According to some political leaders and high-ranking officials: ‘If you go to India, you can meet the leaders directly and express your views. There is also a good response in the United States. China has not been able to give such confidence. If you go China you can’t meet the Chinese leader. They are not easy to meet even though they address us friends. Even the embassy doesn’t care. They deal through merchants. Those merchants never fulfill their promises. The Chinese who have lived in Nepal for a long time are mostly influenced by Indians and the West. They are sending expensive gifts and influencing officials in China. They have been used by Indians and the West to get information from China. Therefore, the Chinese who have been living in Nepal for a long time have been cheating and despising Nepalese’. There is still a long way to study in this regard. However, it is true that some Nepalese leaders have been involved in spying for the Indo-West and engaging in missions to reach China or spread anti-China activities from Nepal. It would not be an exaggeration to say that their main source of income is anti-China activities. For all these reasons, the presence of external forces in Nepal seems to be becoming fatal for China.

Believing that US green card holder leaders, bureaucrats, the army, police and others from Nepal can play a China-friendly role can be nothing but foolishness. Nepal is becoming an anti-China arena day by day. Due to these and other reasons, China’s role in Nepal has not been effective. Day by day, Nepal is becoming an arena of Indo-West against China. I think it is necessary for China to pay serious attention towards this.


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