<strong>Ties between the Supreme Commander and War Veterans</strong>

Ties between the Supreme Commander and War Veterans

Quite moving was the image of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un, when he said, “Esteemed comrade war veterans,” making a bow to the participants at the Sixth National Conference of War Veterans, held in Pyongyang in July. He said that the war veterans, who had brought about the victory of Korea in the Korean war (1950-1953), were our precious teachers and a priceless treasure of our revolution, confirming that the Workers’ Party of Korea would look after them with all sincerity and would take full responsibility for their health and living conditions. His speech exerted a strong influence on the international community. They could realize his ennobling moral obligation of regarding the war veterans as revolutionary forerunners and handing down their exploits to posterity.

There are many examples that demonstrate his ennobling moral obligation to war veterans, including the newly-built Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery in Pyongyang.
Saying that the owner of the tombs of the fallen soldiers of the Korean People’s Army is the Workers’ Party of Korea, he ensured that cemeteries of the fallen soldiers of the KPA were built in a splendid manner in Pyongyang and provinces. The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, which was built on the picturesque Pothong River in Pyongyang as a grand open-air museum, shows his will to hand down the exploits of the generation of victors.
Kim Jong Un takes meticulous care for the health and living conditions of war veterans. He ensured that all participants in the above-mentioned national conference of war veterans enjoyed themselves at the Yangdok Hot Spring Resort.
He has set it forth as part of the national traits to ensure that younger generations learn from the spirit of defending the country, cherished by war veterans and the climate of according preferential treatment to them is established throughout society. It is his creed that we cannot conceive of the DPRK today without recalling the sweat and blood shed by the generation who won the war, the great spirit they demonstrated, and the warriors’ noble sacrifice. He requested the war veterans to lead a long life in good health, serving as our eternal source of strength and our spiritual mainstay.
War veterans in the DPRK respect Kim Jong Un as the saviour of their destiny. Once they meet him, they run to his embrace with tears in their eyes.
Such impressive ties between the Supreme Commander and war veterans and other forerunners of the revolution can be found only in the DPRK.



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