Swathes of globe may not get vaccine until 2022 if action not taken: study

At least a fifth of the world’s population may not have access to a COVID-19 vaccine until 2022, according to a study published Wednesday, with wealthier nations reserving more than half of 2021’s potential doses.

With hopes that vaccines can bring an end to a pandemic that has killed some 1.6 million people, countries including the US, Britain and the United Arab Emirates have already begun rolling out immunization programs.

Eager to increase their chances of having access to at least one of the dozens of vaccines in development, many nations have snapped up allocations of several different drugs.

Wealthy nations – accounting for just 14 percent of the global population – have pre-ordered just over half of the vaccine doses expected to be produced by the 13 leading developers in 2021, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found.

There are fears that poorer nations will be left behind.

Even if the drug makers all produce effective, safe vaccines and meet their maximum global manufacturing targets, the study said “at least a fifth of the world’s population would not have access to vaccines until 2022.”

The research, published in the BMJ medical journal, looked at publicly available data and found that as of mid-November, reservations totaled 7.48 billion doses – equivalent to 3.76 billion immunization courses, because most vaccines require two jabs.

That is out of a total maximum projected manufacturing capacity of 5.96 billion courses by the end of 2021.

The study estimated that up to 40 percent of the vaccine courses from the leading manufacturers might be available for low- and middle-income countries, but said this would depend on how rich countries share what they have bought.

The authors, who cautioned that public information was incomplete, called for “greater transparency and accountability” over support for equitable global access.

They suggested the implications could go well beyond health.

“To varying degrees, trade with and travel to countries might face continued disruption until access to effective preventive or treatment measures, such as COVID-19 vaccines, becomes more widely available,” the report said.

Many countries have joined a pooled purchasing mechanism COVAX – coordinated by the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and vaccines alliance Gavi – aiming to ensure that people across the world have access to a COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of wealth.

A healthcare worker shows a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, the United States, on December 14. The United States started the rollout of its first COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, as the first doses were administered to health care workers and nursing home staffers. Photo: Xinhua



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