Chinese musical about poverty relief makes debut

Homeland, an original musical by China National Traditional Orchestra, made its debut at Beijing’s Poly Theater on Monday.

The musical aims to present an artistic interpretation of the achievements and efforts of China’s national poverty alleviation campaign.

According to the orchestra, the people and events depicted in the show are based on real stories, which is sure to allow the musical to touch people’s hearts.

Chinese folk songs and instruments are widely used throughout the musical to depict the stories that took place in remote areas of provinces such as Jiangxi, Guizhou and Gansu.

In addition, the stage design part makes use of modern contemporary theater techniques to greatly contribute to the narration and further develop the story.

According to reports, the musical will also be available on Chinese streaming platforms after it wraps up its Beijing leg on Tuesday.

Promotional material for Homeland  Cover Photo: Courtesy of China National Traditional Orchestra

Global Times


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