Press release of Greater Nepal Nationalist Front regarding the visit of the State Councilor and Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China General Wei Fenghe to Nepal

Press release of Greater Nepal Nationalist Front regarding the visit of the State Councilor and Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China General Wei Fenghe to Nepal

Press release of Greater Nepal Nationalist Front regarding the visit of the State Councilor and Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China General Wei Fenghe to Nepal on 29th November 2020

1. The Greater Nepal Nationalist Front (GNNF) warmly welcomes the Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense, General Wei Fenghe, to pay an official visit to Nepal on November 29, 2020.
2. The Greater Nepal Nationalist Front strongly supports and respects the one-China policy adopted by Nepal as it respects China’s geographical integrity and unity and its continuation in the interest of both countries.
3. Greater Nepal Nationalist Front, We, the Nepali people, object the Prime Minister Level agreement between China and India point no 28 and demand the Chinese Government to immediately correct the point 28 of the 2015 may 15 joint agreement between China and India regarding Lipulek. We should like to remind that cross-border trade from Lipulek Bhanjyang without Nepal permission is intolerable to Nepali people.
4. The Greater Nepal Nationalist Front wants to emphasize that China’s strong presence and effective role in South Asia is essential for the security and stability of the region. Nepal should not leave any excuse to crush foreign intervention who wants to use Nepal’s land for giving security Challenge on the National integrity of China, especially of Indo-Western Anti-China attempts. In this context, Article 5 of the Treaty of Betrawoti on 5 October 1972 states that,’if Nepal be ever invaded by a foreign power, China would not fail to help her.’ It is necessary to strengthen long lasting security cooperation between Nepal and China and long term defense Treaty should be signed immediately.


Phanindra Nepal
Greater Nepal Nationalist Front
Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: November 28, 2020


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