Tragedy Is Not a Source of Misfortunes

Nowadays humankind suffers immeasurable misfortunes and tragedies owing to natural disasters.
It, however, does not hold true with the Korean people.
Between August and September this year, many regions of the DPRK sustained tremendous losses because of the heavy rains and typhoons that hit the country in succession.
Houses and public buildings were destroyed and flooded; roads, bridges, embankments and railways broken; and farmlands submerged or washed away.
Though many people were left homeless, none of them gave way to pessimism or despair.
Could it be possible?
It is unbelievable, but it is true.
What, then, keeps them from suffering misfortunes in times of disaster?
It is because they have the defender of their destiny.
They cherish an absolute trust in their Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and the Workers’ Party of Korea in their minds.
In other words, they are convinced that the Supreme Leader worries more about disaster victims than anyone else and the ruling WPK and the state would bear full responsibility for their living as they have done and provide them with better houses than their damaged ones.
In fact, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un personally drove his car to the stricken areas to learn the situations there in detail and took all the necessary measures. While directing primary efforts to stabilizing the disaster victims’ living, the WPK and the state quickly dispatched powerful construction forces to the damaged areas to build people’s houses before anything else.
As a result, the Korean people could enjoy stable living even after the unexpected disasters, provided with newly-built and fully-furnished houses.

Nepal Today


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