Chinese vaccine maker to hold Peru clinical trials

The China National Biotec Group (CNBG) announced Thursday it will start its Phase Ⅲ clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines in Peru and Morocco, vowing to help the world fight the epidemic, even as foreign media hypes China’s so-called vaccine diplomacy.

CNBG was issued clinical trial certificates from governments of Peru and Morocco, and have signed agreements to promote CNBG’s international Phase Ⅲ clinical trials with the two countries, according to statements the Global Times obtained from the CNBG.

The CNBG’s vaccine development is overally accelerating. Liu Jingzhen, chairman of Sinopharm, the owner of CNBG, said at a commencement ceremony in Beijing on Thursday that the group is moving smoothly on Phase Ⅲ clinical trials, as the group had already obtained certificates in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, making breakthroughs in the number of vaccinations, countries and populations involved.

The cooperations are the latest step of Chinese companies’ international Phase Ⅲ clinical trials, after Chinese vaccine maker Sinovac Biotech had launched clinical trials in Brazil and Indonesia. Another vaccine maker, CanSino Biologics, has reportedly reached a deal with the Mexican government.

Amid China’s rapid steps in vaccine R&D, some foreign media have been hyping China’s so-called vaccine diplomacy, accusing China of using the vaccine as geopolitical leverage, which Chinese experts laughed at as it belittled China’s vision.

The vaccine reflects the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by Chinese leaders, Tao Lina, a Shanghai-based expert on vaccine and immunology, told the Global Times on Thursday.

“China is not aiming to increase its influence, but uses its influence to help the world get rid of the deadly pandemic,” Tao noted.

Tao believes that, when a vaccine is available, China would provide vaccines to countries that cooperated with it in clinical trials at a cost, or donate vaccines to these countries.

To those with the production capability, China would also be willing to help, Tai said.

The Peru trial, a randomized, double-blind testing placebo controlled trial, would be jointly conducted by the CNBG and teams from Cayetano Heredia University and the National University of San Marcos in Peru, CNBG said.

Liu said he believes that China and Peru would conduct highly effective clinical trials to promote the research and development of CNBG-developed vaccines, and accelerate the marketing process, as well as contribute to building a global community of health.

Peru’s Ambassador to China Luis Quesada said that he looks forward to cooperation with Sinopharm, and appreciates CNBG’s confidence in Peru to complete the vaccine clinical trials. He said he believes the two sides could contribute to everyone’s safety.

Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said cooperation with China is precious, effective and beneficial. Agreements with CNBG on the COVID-19 vaccine are one example, and the minister said he hopes to enhance the cooperation to combat the pandemic, according to a statement that the CNBG sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

vaccine Photo: IC


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