NPC reviews report of delayed HK LegCo election, to ‘vote on Tuesday’

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) on Saturday reviewed a report from Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam about the delayed Legislative Council (LegCo) election due to the coronavirus pandemic and the request to make an arrangement to the current term of LegCo to avoid a “vacuum period.”

The NPC Standing Committee is holding a meeting from Saturday until next Tuesday.

Tam Yiu-chung, a member of the NPC Standing Committee, told the Global Times on Saturday that the committee had discussed the report and the request, but did not put it to vote. “The vote is expected to be decided on August 11,” Tam said.

Tian Feilong, a legal expert on Hong Kong affairs at Beihang University in Beijing, told the Global Times that the arrangement is expected to be made on Tuesday, the last day of the meeting, in accordance with the general procedure of decision-making under the Constitution.

Xia Baolong, director of the State Council’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, elaborated on the review.

Lam submitted a report about the delayed LegCo election on July 28, in which it says the election, which is scheduled for September 6, was delayed for one year due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Lam also requested the NPC Standing Committee to make an arrangement to the council term to avoid a vacuum period.

The State Council deemed that the decision to delay the election is sufficient on a legal basis, in line with the actual situation of the epidemic in Hong Kong. It is conducive to ensuring public safety, fairness and justice of the election, and also suits public interest. It is necessary and appropriate.

The State Council has expressed support for the decision on July 29. It is extremely necessary for the NPC Standing Committee to make a resolution on the council term to ensure the normal functioning of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s government and maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

Issues that need to be determined concerning Hong Kong include whether LegCo candidates who have been disqualified from the election should be allowed to return to the council, and if it is necessary to establish a provisional LegCo to avoid a vacuum period.

Hong Kong Photo:VCG


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