Third annual Sobre la Armonía international public art workshop returns to Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Third annual Sobre la Armonía international public art workshop returns to Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Kicking off its third year, the Sobre la Armonía public art workshop will open in Chengdu, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province soon.

In 2018, the workshop was launched with participation from Chinese and Spanish artists in the city Barcelona, where it left behind a new sculpture park. The following year, the workshop toured to Chengdu, where it also established an international art park in the city’s Shouan township.

With Xu Zhenglong as artistic director, the workshop will display innovative works from renowned veteran artists as well as some promising younger artists. The event also includes exhibitions featuring children’s art as well as classes that visitors can atttend.

The camp for workshop Photo: Courtesy of Jie Wen


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