Former head of State Information Center expelled from CPC and dismissed from office

Former head of State Information Center expelled from CPC and dismissed from office

Ma Zhongyu, former deputy chief of China’s State Information Center, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from his post for bribery and privately keeping confidential materials, the country’s top anti-graft government body said on Monday.

Ma took advantage of his position in office to receive bribes including money and gift cards, went on private travel tours under the guise of business, and used public funds to reimburse his private spending, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI).

Ma illegally held shares in private enterprises and made profits without reporting it to the Party, and privately kept confidential materials, an act that has rarely been found in previous cases, CCDI reported.

Given his serious violation of discipline and law, Ma has been expelled from the CPC and removed from office, and his personal property has been confiscated.

The suspected crimes have been transferred to the judiciary for further review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

The State Information Center, also called Administration Center of China E-government Network, is a public institution directly affiliated to the National Development and Reform Commission.

Ma Zhongyu, former deputy chief of China’s State Information Center, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from his post for bribery and privately keeping confidential materials, Photo: IC


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