Japanese government to urge more telecommuting as coronavirus cases surge

Japan’s economy minister says the government will urge businesses to aim for 70 percent telecommuting and enhance other social distancing measures amid a rise in coronavirus cases among workers, some infected during after-work socializing.

Though Japan has largely avoided the mass infections that have killed tens of thousands overseas, a record surge in cases during the past week in Tokyo and other major urban areas has experts worried the country face a second wave.

Economy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura on Monday said in a video meeting with Japanese governors that business leaders will be asked to ramp up antivirus measures such as encouraging the level of telecommuting achieved during Japan’s state of emergency in 2020, when it hit 70 percent to 80 percent. It has since fallen to about 30 percent, he added.

He also called on companies to encourage staggered shifts and avoid large after-work gatherings for drinks or meals.

The rate of telecommuting has lagged in Japan because of a paper-driven culture and technological shortcomings, experts say.

Despite the rise in cases, the government does not plan to call another state of emergency, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference. “The situation compared to April is very different,” he said, citing the small number of serious cases as well as fewer cases among the elderly.

On Monday, 131 new cases were confirmed in the capital, Governor Yuriko Koike said, but noted that testing had fallen to about 20 percent of normal over the extended holiday weekend.

People pose next to the Olympic Rings in front of the Japan Olympic Museum in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Photo: VCG


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