Beijing Performance & Arts Group returns to stage for live concert

Beijing Performance & Arts Group returns to stage for live concert

The Beijing Performance & Arts Group staged a concert in Beijing on Friday night, its first live performance since the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Chinese Style Concert staged by the group’s Beijing Chinese Orchestra took place at the Local Opera Performance Center.

The center adhered to strict coronavirus preventive measures including limited capacity at 30 percent, temperature checks, social distancing and requiring audiences wear face masks.

The concert was a mix of ancient and modern as the orchestra performed popular songs using traditional Chinese instruments such as the suona horn and the two-stringed erhu.

According to Beijing Performance & Arts Group representative Dong Ning, Friday night was important for the group as it is restarting its live performances alongside the launch of online shows.

A streaming video of the Friday concert is currently available as VOD on Chinese streaming site Kuaishou for 9.9 yuan ($1.41).

The Beijing Chinese Orchestra performs at the Chinese Style Concert on Friday night in Beijing. Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Performance & Arts Group


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