China condemns suicide car bombing in Kabul


China on Monday strongly condemned a suicide car bombing in the Afghan capital of Kabul that killed at least 103 people and injured more than 230.

“China extends its condolences to those killed, and conveys sincere sympathy for the injured and families of victims,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing.

Terrorists blew up an ambulance filled with explosives in central Kabul Saturday afternoon in the deadliest attack in months.

The attack, which was claimed by the Taliban, followed an assault by Taliban militants on a luxury hotel in Kabul a week ago, which killed 22 people.

“The Chinese side stands against all forms of terrorism, and firmly supports the Afghan government and people in their efforts to combat terrorism, safeguard national stability and people’s safety,” Hua said.

The bombing site was just 600 meters from the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan, Hua said, adding the embassy launched an emergency response mechanism after the attack.

No casualties of Chinese citizens have been reported so far, she said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan reminded Chinese citizens in Afghanistan to raise their safety awareness and avoid heading for densely populated areas, said the spokesperson.


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