EU eyes cuts to green transition fund in late bid to strike recovery deal

EU eyes cuts to green transition fund in late bid to strike recovery deal

Cuts to climate funding were on the menu as European Union leaders sat down to negotiate over dinner, aiming to clinch a deal after four days of summit wrangling over a huge stimulus plan to help rebuild their coronavirus-hit economies.

EU Council President Charles Michel presented a new proposal to the 27 leaders on Monday evening before talks resumed, tabling cuts to climate change schemes as part of a bid to rework the overall package into something all countries could agree to.

The proposal earmarked 30 percent of both the EU budget and a new 750 billion euro ($858 billion) coronavirus recovery fund for climate protection, and said all spending must comply with a principle to “do no harm” to EU green goals. But it slashed the size of the EU’s Just Transition Fund, its flagship pot of money to help wean countries off fossil fuels.

The Just Transition Fund will receive a combined 17.5 billion euros from the EU recovery fund and budget – down from the 37.5 billion euros set aside in a previous proposal. To access the money, countries must commit to the EU’s goal to become “climate neutral” by 2050 – a condition aimed squarely at Poland. The coal-heavy country is expected to receive the largest chunk of the Just Transition Fund, and was the only country that refused to commit to the 2050 climate target at an EU summit in December 2019.

InvestEU, a pot of money earmarked under previous proposals to help meet green goals, also got a haircut – to a baseline allocation of less than 4 billion euros, down from more than 31 billion euros previously. Observers said the green credentials of the EU package would depend on what safeguards are used to ensure money goes to green technologies, and not polluting investments. But some said it fell short of the 40 percent climate spending share needed to align the package with EU climate goals.

Anything below this level “would place a significantly higher burden on national budgets and additional regulatory reform measures to close the ensuing investment gap,” said Andreas Graf, EU energy policy expert at think tank Agora Energiewende.

France’s President Emmanuel Macron (L) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel take part in an EU summit at the European Council building in Brussels, on July 18, 2020, as the leaders of the European Union hold their first face-to-face summit over a post-virus economic rescue plan. The EU has been plunged into a historic economic crunch by the coronavirus crisis, and EU officials have drawn up plans for a huge stimulus package to lead their countries out of lockdown. Photo: AFP


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