Ministry launches crackdown after sea cucumber pesticide scandal

Ministry launches crackdown after sea cucumber pesticide scandal

China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has issued an emergency crackdown effective on Friday on the illegal use of pesticides in the farming of sea cucumbers, after state news outlets released shocking investigations that lethal pesticides were used in raising the highly prized animal used in cooking and health foods.

The circular, issued on Friday, asked local agricultural authorities to conduct a carpet-sweeping crackdown on the illegal use of pesticides such as dichlorvos (DDVP) and malachite green from Friday to August 31, according to a statement on the ministry’s website.

The nation was shocked after state-owned broadcaster CCTV reported on Thursday that lethal DDVP was routinely poured into the fish pond used to raise sea cucumbers to kill off fish, shrimp and weeds in many aquatic farms in Jimo, East China’s Shandong Province.

The news has shocked the Chinese public , stirred up an online debate and the government in Shandong Province swiftly vowed to conduct a provincial-wide screening on irregularities. Meanwhile , police have detained three suspects and major e-commerce platforms have pulled off affected products.

At’s e-commerce market place, the Global Times found on Saturday that some brands selling sea cucumbers have added “non Jimo-sourced produce” tags to distance their products from the now infamous Jimo sea cucumber.

Besides sea cucumber farming, the ministry will also regulate businesses that sell veterinary medicine and antibiotics.

Sea cucumber farming is the most profitable product in China’s aquatic farming industry, and the industry had an annual output of 5.6 billion yuan ($801 million) in 2017.



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