Chinese Foreign Minister: US has been pursuing its egoism, unilateralism and bullying policy to the extreme

Chinese Foreign Minister: US has been pursuing its egoism, unilateralism and bullying policy to the extreme

The US’ “America First” policy and its egoism, unilateralism and bullying have become extreme, which are not how a big power is supposed to act, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a phone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday.

The strategic guidance provided by the two heads of state is the biggest political advantage of China-Russia relations, Wang said.

After Russia carried out a referendum last week, the two heads of state had talks again by phone, confirming their firm support for each other and stressing that they regard China-Russia relations as the top foreign policy priority of the two countries, Wang said.

By shifting its own responsibilities, the US side has used the pandemic to smear other countries and shift the blame in every possible way, and even created hot spots and confrontations in international relations, Wang said, adding that Washington has lost its sense of reason, morality and credibility.

Wang said that the US side has revived its infamous McCarthyism and outdated Cold War mentality in its policy toward China, deliberately provoked ideological confrontation and crossed the bottom line of international law and basic norms governing international relations.

China will not be misled by a small number of anti-China forces in the US, but will firmly defend its legitimate interests and dignity, Wang said.

Lavrov said that the US has always believed in American exceptionalism and egotism, and had recently stripped off its pretense and was wielding sanctions against others.

Russia opposes unilateralism in international affairs, he said.

The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on holding a summit of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, maintaining international strategic stability, and on the development of regional conditions and international hotspot issues of common interest.

During a high-level conversation of the United Nations Economic and Social Council on Friday, Wang stated in a speech that China supports multilateral frameworks, including the United Nations, in tackling challenges and seeking common prosperity.

In the face of unprecedented challenges, the role of the UN can only be strengthened, not weakened, while its authority must be safeguarded, Wang said.

He noted that the world needs to uphold multilateralism and reject unilateralism and protectionism, to support greater democracy in international relations and reject hegemony and power politics and to safeguard the international order underpinned by international law and reject unlawful acts and double standards.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi File photo:CGTN


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