China fears no US sanctions over South China Sea: FM

China is not afraid of any sanctions that the US might impose over the South China Sea issue and US officials’ recent remarks regarding the issue only expose the US plot of creating discord between China and countries in the region and destabilizing the region, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying on Wednesday.

If the US wants to stir trouble, let the storm rage on, for which China is not afraid, Hua said.

Hua made the comment in response to remarks made by David Stilwell, US Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, when briefing a Washington think-tank, who warned of possible sanctions against Chinese officials and enterprises involved in what Washington calls “coercion” over the South China Sea, at a routine press conference on Wednesday.

Hua pointed out that the US has broken its commitment of not taking a stand in sovereignty issues in the South China Sea region. And the US has been sending advanced military planes and vessels to the region, flexing its muscle while issuing its so-called position to undermine the efforts made by countries in the region to safeguard regional peace and stability.

Such acts would further reveal to the world the hypocrisy and hegemony of the US, she noted.

China will continue to resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and sovereignty in the South China Sea, and firmly maintain China’s friendly relations with regional countries, Hua said.

China hopes the US would not go further on the wrong path and play a constructive role in safeguarding the region’s peace and stability, the spokesperson said.

It is unfortunate to see the US, as the most developed and advanced country, and the only superpower in the world, easily impose or threaten to impose sanctions, Hua said. “We do not hope ‘sanctions’ would become the most distinguished tag or label for the US.”

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying Photo:


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