Australian health minister mocked for embarrassing mask-wearing show

Australia’s health minister found himself in hot water on social media after he struggled to put on a face mask during a demonstration to show the public how easy it was to wear one. Chinese netizens mocked him mercilessly, saying it was no wonder the local COVID-19 outbreak has escalated.

Greg Hunt on Monday addressed the worsening coronavirus situation in the state of Victoria where 177 new cases were reported on the day, urging residents to wear a medical mask when going out if they cannot observe social distancing, Australian media reported.

“I would encourage Victorians where you cannot social distance and you are in proximity to other people to please wear a mask,” he said at a press conference, said the report.

However, the minister seemed to struggle with his own instructions – after placing the mask lopsided across his face, Hunt tried to readjust it and counted a quick “one and two,” but covered his eyes. Finally, he did it after one of the straps snapped off over his left ear.

He then left the conference before he was able to pinch the nose clip on the mask.

The video went viral on social media globally, including on China’s Sina Weibo.

A typical comment read: “The video exactly proved that an Australian official, who was clanking that wearing masks is important, never wore a mask himself.”

“Bless my friends in Australia! I’m sorry that they have such a health minister, from whom I can tell that many of the local residents don’t wear masks or follow social-distancing instructions,” said another netizen, whose sentiments were widely echoed by many other commentators.

“Oops! What an unconvincing demonstration on how easy it is to wear a mask!” a netizen said of the embarrassing display.

Another netizen said that in China, even kindergarten kids can easily put on masks.

Overseas netizens on Twitter also started a heated discussion over the incident.

“If Greg Hunt can’t even do a mask demonstration correctly, why trust him of any other advice?” asked a netizen.

Another said, “I would respectfully suggest that instead of being snarky about Greg Hunt struggling to put a mask on, we should instead welcome and encourage the idea of politicians from across the political spectrum encouraging us to wear masks.”

According to a report updated on Tuesday by Australian national media outlet ABC, Victoria continues to break national records for both daily tests and new cases. Daily new cases in Victoria have rocketed to 217 per day, based on the seven-day moving average – the highest for any jurisdiction in the country since the outbreak began in January.

So far today, 284 new cases have been reported, lifting the total number to 10,060 in the country, said ABC.

A bottle of hand sanitizer is provided to the people entering the National Portrait Gallery of Australia in Canberra, Australia, June 9, 2020. The National Library and National Portrait Gallery of Australia reopened to the public as Australia relaxes its measures over the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Liu Changchang/Xinhua)


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