US should invite WHO experts to trace the origin of COVID-19 in their country: Chinese FM

US should invite WHO experts to trace the origin of COVID-19 in their country: Chinese FM

The first thing for the US to do is to fulfill its international responsibilities and obligations, and cooperate with the WHO, including inviting WHO experts to trace the origin of the virus in the US, if it really cares about the fight against the COVID-19 around the world,China’s Foreign Ministry said at a regular press briefing on Friday.

The comments came after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s remarks on Wednesday concerning China’s decision to agree to experts from the WHO coming to Beijing to trace for the origins of the virus, saying that “the WHO needs to be free to do its real work” and “we need real answers not perfunctory political solutions.”

“Such remarks are hypocritical,” replied Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of the ministry.

China and the WHO have maintained communication and cooperation since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Zhao said.

China now is at a critical stage in fighting against imported COVID-19 cases and preventing resurgence of local infections, with its tasks still very heavy. Under such circumstances, the purpose of China taking the lead in inviting experts from the WHO to discuss COVID-19’s origin is to support a more effective global response to the pandemic and contribute to public health around the world.

“It shows China is aware of its responsibility as a major power,” Zhao noted.

The US, on the other hand, has been shirking responsibility of its administration’s incompetence in handling the virus and avoiding international solidarity in the fight against COVID-19. It not only announced withdrawal from the WHO, but also politicized the fight against COVID-19, Zhao said, adding that the US continues to dump its responsibilities and smear other countries.

“Now that the US has announced its withdrawal from the WHO, what right do they have to dictate China’s cooperation with the WHO?”

Photo: FM spokesperson Zhao Lijian


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