46 countries support China’s Xinjiang policies at UN Human Rights Council

Belarus’ representative delivered a joint statement on behalf of 46 countries at the 44th session of UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday supporting China’s anti-terrorism and de-radicalization work in its Northwest Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The representative said that China has taken serious measures on countering terrorism and de-radicalization in accordance with the laws in its Xinjiang region. “We appreciate China’s openness and transparency which is evident from, among other things, inviting more than 1,000 diplomats, officials of international organizations, journalists and religious personages to visit Xinjiang, who witnessed Xinjiang’s remarkable achievements.”

Terrorism and extremism are the common enemies of humanity and pose severe threats to all human rights. Terrorism, extremism and separatism have caused enormous damage to people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, China and seriously infringe human rights, he noted.

“There was no single terrorist act in Xinjiang for the last three years. Safety and stability have been restored in Xinjiang and human rights of all people in Xinjiang have been fully safeguarded,” he said.

The Chinese government has extended an invitation to the high commissioner for human rights to visit Xinjiang and the two sides are keeping contact with each other on this matter.

“We urge refraining from making unfounded allegations against China based on disinformation. We are confident that the OHCHR will continue to conduct its work in an objective and impartial manner in accordance with its mandate,” the Belarus representative said.

A woman and two children visit the ancient city of Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 24, 2020. Photo:Xinhua


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