Biden only to campaign online

US Presidential challenger calls off public rallies for safety

US Democrat Joe Biden said Tuesday he will not hold presidential campaign rallies during the coronavirus pandemic, an unprecedented declaration that stands in stark contrast with Donald Trump who has already held large campaign gatherings.

Biden also ramped up his criticism of the president’s handling of the pandemic, saying Trump had “failed” the American people and “waved the white flag” of surrender in the fight against COVID-19.

“This is the most unusual campaign I think in modern history,” the former vice president said in Delaware at his first press conference since securing his party’s presidential nomination nearly four weeks ago.

“I’m going to follow the doc’s orders – not just for me but for the country – and that means that I am not going to be holding rallies,” said Biden, adding he has not yet been tested for COVID-19.

Biden, 77, was likely referring colloquially to government guidelines that urge Americans not to attend large gatherings, rather than a personal physician’s advice.

He did not say whether his decision could change if conditions improve in the coming months.

If he avoids rallies altogether until election day on November 3, it would be an extraordinary move for a modern American presidential candidate, as campaigns are often gauged by the strength of their public messaging and enthusiasm.

The announcement comes amid growing alarm about America’s inability to contain a crisis which has already killed more than 127,000 people nationwide.

Democratic presidential candidate former vice president Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event on Tuesday at Alexis I. Dupont High School in Wilmington, Delaware. Photo: AFP


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