Chinese Mission to EU rejects comment on national security law for HK

The Chinese Mission to the EU on Wednesday rejected comments by the EU claiming China’s national security legislation for Hong Kong sabotages the judicial independence, autonomy and rule of law in the special administrative region.

The law will provide a strong institutional guarantee to maintain Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability, as well as the stability of “one country, two systems.” It will also usher in an opportunity for Hong Kong to return from chaos to the right track, the Chinese Mission to the EU said in a statement on Wednesday.

Chinese lawmakers on Tuesday voted to adopt the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR at the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC).

China demands that the EU respect the standing committee of the NPC’s decision on passing the national security Law for Hong Kong, which was formulated in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, respect China’s legitimate rights to safeguard its sovereignty and security, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs.

The law adheres to the principle of “one country” and takes into account the differences between the “two systems,” the Chinese Mission to the EU noted, saying it fully conforms with “one country, two systems,” the Constitution and the Hong Kong SAR Basic Law.

It clearly stipulates the composition and penalties for four crimes that seriously endanger national security, and is established at the levels of the central government and the Hong Kong SAR.

For the very few people who endanger national security, the law will be a sharp sword, and for the vast majority of Hong Kong residents, including foreigners in Hong Kong, the national security law is a “guardian angel” that aims to protect their rights, freedom and peaceful life.

It will enable Hong Kong to have a more complete legal system, more stable social order, as well as a better rule of law and business environment.

China has unswerving determination to safeguard its national sovereignty, security, and interests, to implement “one country, two systems” and to oppose any external forces that intervene in Hong Kong affairs, the Chinese Mission said.

Photo taken on Aug. 5, 2019 shows China’s national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) on the Golden Bauhinia Square in Hong Kong, south China.Photo:Xinhua


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