Canadian media slammed for misreporting China’s stance on Meng, Covrig

Canadian media slammed for misreporting China’s stance on Meng, Covrig

The Chinese Embassy to Canada has slammed Canadian media for the deliberate reporting of remarks made by Michael Kovrig’s wife as a Chinese spokesperson’s statement, and for claiming China had linked Meng Wanzhou’s case to those of Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

A spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted words spoken by Kovrig’s wife in their remarks on June 24, but Canadian media deliberately reported these remarks as a spokesperson’s statement and claimed China had linked Meng’s case to those of Kovrig and Spavor, the Chinese Embassy to Canada said in a statement on Saturday.

Such actions seriously mislead the public and violate professional ethics, the Embassy said.

Meng’s case was a serious political incident masterminded by the US to suppress Huawei and Chinese high-tech companies. Canada is acting as an accomplice to the US, and this is an arbitrary detention. Meng’s case is entirely different to those of Kovrig and Spavor, the embassy said.

In an article, titled “Michael Kovrig’s wife says Canada ‘needs more leverage’ in fight for his release,” Canadian media Global News asserted China had linked Meng’s case to Kovrig’s.

Fellow Canadian media The Globe and Mail fabricated events in the headline “China suggests it will free Kovrig and Spavor if Canada allows Huawei executive Meng to return home” in a report on June 24.

It incorrectly interpreted comments made by Kovrig’s wife as China’s stance, writing: “The Chinese government says that if Canada sets Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou free it could affect the fate of two Canadians jailed and charged with espionage by Beijing.”

At the press conference on June 24, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian quoted what Kovrig’s wife had said and did not link Meng to the cases of Kovrig and Spavor.

“With regard to the Meng incident, China’s position is clear. It was a serious political incident. Even if it is a judicial case, as the Canadian side claims, the Canadian justice minister has the authority to stop the extradition process at any point, as Kovrig’s wife said,” said Zhao.

The Chinese Embassy to Canada in its statement urged Canada to take China’s solemn position seriously, respect the rule of law and China’s judicial sovereignty, stop making irresponsible remarks on the cases of Kovrig and Spavor, and stop pressuring China through “microphone diplomacy.”

The two Canadian defendants were recently prosecuted by Chinese authorities. The criminal facts are clear, the evidence is genuine and sufficient, and there has been no “arbitrary detention,” the embassy said.

Canada should reflect on its own mistakes in Meng’s case, cease political manipulation, immediately release Meng and allow her to return to China safely, the embassy said.

Meng Wanzhou Photo:VCG


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