Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan refutes US Embassy’s smearing of Xinjiang

It is an old trick for the US to use amateur “actors” to play victims and smear the vocational education and training centers in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Zhang Xiao, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan, told the Global Times, responding to the US Embassy in Kazakhstan’s recent attempt to release stories on its website and social media accounts, claiming they are “interviews” from people or relatives of those who have been mistreated in Xinjiang.

The series of stories as well as the recent Uygur bill signed by the US President Donald Trump last week, attempts to “hype up” the topic of Xinjiang, interfere with China’s domestic affairs, creates obstacles for harmony in Xinjiang among the region’s ethnic groups, restricts the region’s economic development and stability, and sows unnecessary discord between China and its Central Asian neighbors, Ambassador Zhang said.

The stories, titled “Voices from Xinjiang,” are from those who claim they or their relatives were detained in “training centers” in Xinjiang; for example, one woman, named Bikamal, now based in Kazakhstan, claims her husband is being detained in “camps” in Xinjiang.

Ambassador Zhang clarified that Bikamal’s husband, Adelhaze, was actually sentenced to prison for nine years in December 2019 by the Intermediate People’s Court in Karamay for encouraging acts of extremist terrorism and disturbing the region’s social order. In fact, Adelhaze was found acquiring, storing, and spreading a large number of video and audio files which encouraged terrorism and religious extremism, violating China’s Criminal Law.

Bikamal claimed her husband was detained in a “camp,” but the fact is her husband is serving his prison sentence, and was never in any training center.

Bikamal and her husband were never fined for having more than two children, and US Embassy’s propaganda is “full of lies, without a single sentence of truth,” Ambassador Zhang said, noting that it updated “my knowledge of its [the US’] bottom line.”

For a long time, the US has crowned itself as defenders of human rights, falsely pretending to care about Muslims from around the world; however, it has only stained the world with Muslim mistreatment. For example, after the Cold War, the US has taken its military operations to many Muslim countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, bringing pain and suffering to Muslims (and non-Muslims) around the world. In fact, the majority of those individuals detained and tortured in Guantanamo Bay are Muslims, Zhang noted.

The current US administration, since it took office in 2016, only continued to block those wishing to enter the US from Muslim countries, and its policies reflect the country’s anti-Muslim agenda, vigorously trampling international laws. It’s hard to believe that a country that is so very anti-Muslim would truly argue that it cares about the human rights of Muslims in Xinjiang, several thousands of miles away.

With its domestic failure of dealing with COVID-19, and endless protests and social disputes, the US has ramped up its efforts to cover Xinjiang-related topics in an attempt to shift its troubles from domestic issues to blaming China, distracting the public’s attention, Zhang noted.

The Chinese government’s moves to curb terrorism and extremism have earned the support of people from all ethnic groups in Xinjiang as well as across the country; and they also benefit those countries in Central Asia, as well as the international community, the Ambassador said.

In fact, there have not been any violent attacks in Xinjiang for nearly three years, and with only three deaths related to COVID-19 among the region’s 24 million people, there is clear evidence that the region has been developing, and its people’s health is guaranteed.

“No matter how hard the US hypes up topics related to Xinjiang, it can never change the Chinese government’s resolution to crack down on terrorism and extremism; it can never impede China’s development, nor can it drive a wedge between China and Central Asian countries. It can only hurt itself,” Ambassador Zhang said.

Flower grower Ruz and his wife Tajinisa weigh rose petals used for making rose sauce at a village in Hotan, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, June 6, 2018. People in the village are good at making rose sauce, and that is an important source of income for them. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge)


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